Last modified 15 years ago Last modified on 04/12/10 13:50:18

Error: Macro BackLinksMenu(None) failed
compressed data is corrupt

Error: Macro TicketQuery(summary=auto-actions-improvements - See the wiki page in the ticket, format=table, col=summary|owner|status|type|component|priority|effort|importance, rows=description|analysis_owners|analysis_reviewers|analysis_score|design_owners|design_reviewers|design_score|implementation_owners|implementation_reviewers|implementation_score|test_owners|test_reviewers|test_score|) failed
current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block



We need to make our changes more "humanly" understandable, and add the possibility to localize them (translate them in different languages, az part of the skins).

Task requirements

  • The localization text (this is the part that is different for each language), will be transformed using KEYS. The KEYS are used to pull formatting strings from the skin (these strings work similar to printf and String.format).
  • Each AutoAction value should be a PARAMETER.
  • Instead of description AutoActionsshould have a Message object. Each Message object consists of KEY and coresponding PARAMETERS.
    • Example:

Msg.text("Change font size to %d pts.")
Msg.get(KEY,... Msg)

  • To visualize the auto action we use the result of applying the corresponding format string to the given parameters.
  • The KEYS could be the default (english) values for the text, or they can be modified if for example the text is too long or it is not too usable.
  • For now the easiest way to deal with the plurals is to use "(s)".

Task result

The result of this task must be code.

Implementation idea

Below are listed the existing auto-actions and there are propositions how they can be improved.

Create blank page Create new page
Toggle border templating /Dead code.
Toggle border template lock /Dead code.
Toggle background templating /Dead code.
Change resource title to PAR Change resource name to PAR
Create new page Create new page
Add comment reply /These can not be undone.
Add new comment /These can not be undone.
Create page extra with sticky /These are not listed anywhere.
Create new sticky /These are not listed anywhere and behave oddly.
Delete sticky /These can not be undone.
Sticky moved /These can not be undone.
Sticky is moving... /No idea what is this for.
Set sticky text /These can not be undone.
Insert a flash frame /Missing functionality.
Change flash URL /Missing functionality.
Browser address changed Browser address changed to PAR(address)
Scripting: Set book title Script action: Set book title to PAR(book title)
Scripting: Set page size Script action: Set PAR(page name) size to PAR(width)xPAR(height)
Scripting: Add new page Script action: Add new page
Scripting: Remove page Script action: Remove PAR(page name)
Scripting: Move page Script action: Move page PAR(page name)
Scripting: Set frame size Script action: Set PAR(frame name) size to PAR(size)
Change frame zOrder Script action: Increase/Decrease PAR(frame name) z-order
Scripting: Set frame location Script action: Set PAR(frame name) location to PAR(location)
Scripting: Set rotation angle of frame Script action: Set rotation angle of PAR(frame name) to PAR(degrees)
Insert script Insert new script
Insert script from a file Insert script from a PAR(file name)
Edit Script Edit PAR (script name)
Update preview Book preview name
Add a new page Add a new page
Add a new templated page Add a new templated page from PAR(page template name)
Paste Paste PAR(text/resource name) ("Paste resources" when multiple elements are pasted)
Set image background Set image background for PAR(page/frame name)
Frame resize Resize PAR(frame name) to PAR(width)xPAR(height)
Copies a page into a new book /Dead code.
Remove page Remove PAR(page name)
Apply page template Apply PAR(page template name) to PAR(page name)
Align elements Align elements PAR(type of alignment)
Change frame border color Change PAR(frame name) border color
Frame rotating (untemplate)... Rotate PAR(frame name) to PAR(degrees)
Frame rotating (own)... Rotate PAR(frame name) to PAR(degrees)
Set frame content templating /Missing functionality.
Change frame zOrder Increase/Decrease PAR(frame name) z-order
Set location Set PAR(frame name) location to PAR(coordinates)
Group elements Group elements to PAR(group name)
Delete group Delete PAR(group name)
Delete Group Delete PAR(group name)
Change frame background opacity Change PAR(frame name) background opacity to PAR(opacity value)
Change border size Cnange PAR(frame name) border size to PAR(border size)
Change frame border color Change PAR(frame name) border color
Toggle shadow enabled /Missing functionality.
Change shadow offset /Missing functionality.
Set background type Set background type of PAR(page/frame name) to PAR(background type)
Toggle frame visibility Toggle PAR(frame name) visibility
Toggle shadow enabled /Missing functionality.
Change wrap mode Change wrap mode of PAR(frame name)
Change background color Change PAR(page/frame name) background color
Change background gradient Change PAR(page/frame name) gradient
Change border opacity Change PAR(page/frame name) border opacity to PAR(opacity vale)
Shadow position X change /Missing functionality.
Shadow position Y change /Missing functionality.
Shadow color change /Missing functionality.
Change frame shadow opacity /Missing functionality.
Rotate frame (untemplate) /No idea what is this for.
Rotate frame (own) Rotate PAR(frame name) to PAR(degrees)
Set frame width Set PAR(frame name) width to PAR(value)
Set frame height Set PAR(frame name) height to PAR(value)
Set frame height Set PAR(frame name) height to PAR(value)
Set frame width Set PAR(frame name) width to PAR(value)
Set X position Set PAR(frame name) x-coordinate to PAR(x-coordinate)
Set Y position Set PAR(frame name) y-coordinate to PAR(y-coordinate)
Set margins Set PAR(frame name) margins to PAR(frame margins)
Set padding Set PAR(frame name) padding to PAR(frame padding)
Use template /No idea what is this for.
Lock /No idea what is this for.
Lock /No idea what is this for.
Set page size Set PAR(book name) page size to PAR(page width)xPAR(page height)
Page resize Resize PAR(book name) page size to PAR(page width)xPAR(page height)
Toggle sub elements templating /No idea what is this for.
Reorder pages Move page PAR(page name)
Apply frame template Apply PAR(frame template name) to PAR(frame name)
Delete frame template Delete PAR(frame template name)
Delete page template Delete PAR(page template name)
Change book properties Set book name to PAR(book name), book size to PAR(book width)xPAR(book height)
Show frame. /No idea what is this for.
Hide frame. /No idea what is this for.
Toggle frame visibility. Toggle PAR(frame name) visibility
Add link rule Add new link rule for PAR(frame name)
Play/Pause Change PAR(frame name) media state
Stop Stop media in PAR(frame name)
Seek Go to PAR(time) of PAR(frame name)
Change looping Toggle PAR(frame name) media looping
Change clipping start position Change PAR(frame name) start position to PAR(time)
Change clipping end position Change PAR(frame name) end position to PAR(time)
Import resource PAR. Import resource PAR(resource name)
Insert frame for resource PAR. Insert frame for resource PAR(resource name)
Change the main resource of a frame Change the resource of PAR(frame name) to PAR(resource name)
Remove resource Remove PAR(resource name)
Remove template Remove PAR(template name)
Creating cold text /No idea what is this for.
Modify server Modify PAR(server address)
Upload PAR to Upload PAR(resource name) to PAR(server address)
Turn-off chaining Turn off chaining of PAR(frame name)
Start auto-chaining Create autochain for PAR(frame name)
Combine text of chained frames /No idea what is this for.
Update head references /No idea what is this for.
Split text chain Unchain PAR(frame name)
Insert text frame Insert PAR(frame name)
Expand auto-chain /No idea what is this for.
Change the head frame's template head ref /No idea what is this for.
Set text Modify text in PAR(frame name) (We may reconsider this because of the chaining.)
Add link Add link for (PAR)(page/frame name)
Add activation channel entry /No idea what is this for.
Set child timeline options /No idea what is this for.
Play timelines /No idea what is this for.
Stop timelines /No idea what is this for.
Pause timelines /No idea what is this for.

(Add links to related tasks that could be useful or helpful.)

How to demo

Create and edit some book, show the changes palette.


(Describe your design here.)


(Describe and link the implementation results here (from the wiki or the repository).)


(Place the testing results here.)


(Write comments for this or later revisions here.)