Last modified 16 years ago
Last modified on 07/17/09 13:43:18
Create a convention for the dialogs. Add it to the important docs. Make sure all of the team members know about it and apply it to the existing code.
Task requirements
- See TLID:510
- Make the non-cancel button default where needed (OK and Open).
- Underline and make accessible by alt all buttons. Make sure tab works correctly.
- Change the order of the dropdown menus.
- The "All files (*.*)" should be at the bottom of the list.
- The menus should be implemented in a way that if someone adds support for a new Image file for example, it's menu item should be added before the "All files (*.*)" dropdown item. It's extension should be added to the extension list.
- See if somewhere Cancel button is not at the right bottom size of the dialog
- Align buttons in Book Properties dialog
- Rename dropdown items according to the testcase (all of them)
- Add dropdown items for each file type - for example for image files, there should be "JPEG Image file (*.jpeg;*.jpg)" "GIF Image file (*.gif)" etc dropdown items.
Task result
Convention in a wiki page. Decide where to put it. Corrected dialogs everywhere/
Implementation idea
(Provide some rough implementation idea(s).)
How to demo
Show the consistent dialogs.
(Describe your design here.)
(Describe and link the implementation results here (from the wiki or the repository).)
(Place the testing results here.)
(Write comments for this or later revisions here.)