Last modified 16 years ago
Last modified on 01/28/09 15:40:34
This task should provide a class structure for persisting books with all their elements.
Task requirements
- Revise the current code for persisting that is in org.sophie2.main.model module.
- Create a class diagram(s) for the class structure related to persistence.
- Modularize to the base.persistence module.
- Review the existing unit tests and fix them if needed.
Task result
The result of this task should be:
- source code
- class diagram(s)
- working unit tests
Implementation idea
- Review the existing source code.
- Create the class diagram(s).
- Refactor and clean up according to the diagram.
- Run unit tests and fix problems if any.
How to demo
- Show the class diagrams and explain them.
- Show the source code related to persistence.
- Run unit tests to demonstrate the model.
- Library classes for persistence (i.e. that are not related specifically to books) will be separated in the org.sophie2.base.persistence module.
- The base.persistence module will depend on base.
- The book formats will be separated into two new modules -, where X is 1 or 2 for each format.
- these modules will depend on base, base.persistence, and main.model.
- Classes that are in* packages will be removed.
- Existing unit tests will be reviewed and moved to their new location. Currently the tests are in trunk/sophie2-platform/modules/org.sophie2.main.model/src/test/java/org/sophie2/main/model/persist/ and need revising since almost all of them fail.
- All classes that are no longer used will be removed (such are BookStorager and BookZipFormat for example).
- Below are the dependency and class diagrams that reflect the new hierarchy:
(Implementation results should be described and linked here (from the wiki or the repository))
- All important wiki content should be put in the corresponding section of a wiki page => BASE_PERSISTENCE