Last modified 16 years ago
Last modified on 01/27/09 10:44:25
We need a module that helps in finding resources. Create a module that allows the user to give a resource ID and find the resource. We also need to provide a cache for offline access, or for performance related to remote objects,
The client should not care if the resource is local or remote, it simply wants to be able to find a resource. This task also needs to handle resources within resources (A book is a resource after all).
Task requirements
- Write a module that provides an interface for finding resources
- Cache the resources in the workspace if neccessary
- Be able to find resources in the workspace or on a server
- Document how resources are found and utilized
Task result
- Demo how the resource lookup works
- Demo how the cache works
Implementation idea
- The key is making it simple to resolve resources from resource IDs
- You might have blocking issues trying to load a resource which eventually loads a resource on a remote server
- Need to be able to handle failed resource lookups gracefully, but this task may be too low level for that
How to demo
- Demo looking up resources
- Share the documentation and implementation with the team
(Implementation results should be described and linked here (from the wiki or the repository))
- wbs: "provides caching, and offline access"
- try to find a resource and retrieve it
- each resources has the ability to contain and referencing other resources
- Find a resource from a server,or the workspace
- Resource has a form a unique ID