Book templates listing visualises the existing book templates that are available for use.
Task requirements
- Create book templates palette.
- Create book listing
- List items should support text and image - preview of the book templates. Actual preview may be postponed, but list items should be implemented this way.
- The text should contain name of the template and meta information (meta is optional)
- List items should be draggable
- Other items should be draggable to the list
- List items should support text and image - preview of the book templates. Actual preview may be postponed, but list items should be implemented this way.
- Applying and saving as template should be connected with proper extension points
- The listing should contain separators to divide local book templates from common book templates (in future - server templates, etc)
- Overwriting a common book template invokes a message box containing warning that changes will be applied to all of the books created with a template. You may provide the box, but the functionality is not necessary right now.
- Currently creating a book from a template is enough for books template behavior. Note that book templates behavior is not part of this task.
Task result
Implementation idea
See analysis of BOOK_TEMPLATES_BEHAVIOUR_R0. See implementation of APP_PLUGIN_MANAGER_LIST_R0 as functionality listed there is similar. If it is not implemented yet, consider implementing this tasks in parallel.
This diagram is an idea of what the list will be look like.
How to demo
Show the book templates palette with the list of the existing templates. As functionality won't be present, explain what controls and user interactions are provided. If you've implemented the warning message, you may create a dummy demo for it.
(Implementation results should be described and linked here (from the wiki or the repository))
(Write comments for this or later revisions here.)