The goal of this task is to create a native C++ wrapper for delivery of browser content.
The idea is to use WebKit, a portable browser engine to create a native browser that is able to communicate with Java.
Communication between C++ and Java is described in GROUP_WRAPPERS_R0.
The browser runs a windowless Qt application and listens for commands, once a command is received it sends a response which optionally has a payload.
For now the browser won't be able to play Flash, Flash content will be displayed in a different kind of frame.
In future revisions of this task Sophie 2 browser frame will be connected with the native wrapper and browser content will be available in Sophie 2.
Task requirements
The native browser should be able to:
- Open a web page.
- Return a captured webpage.
- Receive mouse and keyboard events.
- Resize its main window.
Task result
C++ and Java source code.
Native executables for Linux, Linux 64bit, Windows, Windows 64bit, Mac OS X, Mac OS X 64bit.
Implementation idea
Use Qt implementation of WebKit to create a browser and C++ and Java wrappers for communication.
How to demo
- Start the browser demo.
- Open a webpage with forms.
- Enter some text and submit.
- Click a hyperlink.
The browser consists of a Java and a native part. They communicate via the mechanism described in GROUP_WRAPPERS_R0.
Java part
- NativeBrowserBridge extends NativeBridge. This is the browser wrapper that clients should use to get and control web content.
- In future revisions of this tasks client should be able to check if the page has been successfully loaded but for now empty images can be returned.
- Internally the bridge has four commands that should be implemented - load, grab page, send mouse event and send keyboard event.
- The grab page command returns a PageGrabResponse that contains a BufferedImage corresponding to the current web view in the native part.
C++ part
- The C++ part is built atop Qt, using QtWebKit which supplies a library of widgets with web functionality.
- BrowserBridge inherits abstract JavaBridge. Its role is to stand between the Java implementation and the native browser receiving commands, translating them to actions and returning the result. Browser bridge should be able to execute in its own thread as the main thread needs to run the Qt application.
- The structure of commands and responses mimics that of the Java part.
- Four commands should be implemented - load, grab page, mouse and keyboard. Two more should be added in the future - get info and resize.
- Load - gets an url as parameter. Executed on the Browser object it causes a page to be loaded and returns without blocking. This means that the Java application should use some other way to ensure that the page is loaded, for instance use the get info command. The result from this command is either Ok or Error.
- Grab page - executed on the Browser object. The result from this command is either PageGrabResponse or Error. PageGrabResponse contains image width, height and data.
- Mouse - executed on the BrowserWebView. Transfers a Java mouse event to the web view. Result is Ok or Error.
- Keyboard - executed on the BrowserWebView. Transfers a Java keyboard event to the web view. Result is Ok or Error.
A test has been added - NativeBrowserBridgeTest, change set: [5916].
OK Message
OK response ID is 0.
Integer offset | 0 |
0 | Response ID |
Error Message
Error response ID is 1.
Integer offset | 0 |
0 | Response ID |
Load Command
Load command ID is 100.
Integer offset | 0 | 1 | 2- |
0 | Command ID | URL Size | URL |
Grab Page Command
Grab page command ID is 101.
Integer offset | 0 |
0 | Command ID |
Page Grab Response
Page grab response ID is 100.
Integer offset | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3- |
0 | Response ID | Width | Height | Pixel Data |
Send Mouse Event Command
Send mouse event command ID is 103.
Name | Value |
Integer offset | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
0 | Command ID | Event | Button | X offset | Y offset |
Send mouse command valid responses are Ok and Error.
Send Keyboard Event Command
Send keyboard event command ID is 104.
Integer offset | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 |
0 | Command ID | Event | Key | Modifiers |
Send keyboard command valid responses are Ok and Error.
Resize Command
Resize command ID is 102.
Integer offset | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 |
0 | Command ID | Width | Height |
Resize valid responses are Ok and Error.
Send Wheel Event Command
Send wheel event command ID is 106.
Integer offset | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
0 | Command ID | X | Y | Delta |
Send wheel event valid responses are Ok and Error.
Get Info Command
Get info command ID is 105.
Integer offset | 0 |
0 | Command ID |
Get info command valid responses are InfoResponse and Error.
Info Response
Info response ID is 101.
Integer offset | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4- |
0 | Response ID | Width | Height | URL Size | URL |
(Place the testing results here.)
(Write comments for this or later revisions here.)
- BROWSER_CONTENT_BASIC_R2.jpg (89.9 KB) - added by sveto 16 years ago.
- BROWSER_CONTENT_BASIC_R2_NATIVE.jpg (69.3 KB) - added by sveto 16 years ago.