Last modified 15 years ago
Last modified on 11/16/09 01:53:39
Bug report form should actually send the bug reports somewhere
Task requirements
- For report form
- Add a "Send Report" button to the bug report form
- Rename the "Save as File" to "Save Report As"
- Add "Attach a file" for attaching books, etc.
- For the server that will handle the information
- Create a database to handle the error reports
- The database should support fields (see implementation idea)
- Create a limit for the size of the reports
- Think of way to block spam
- [Optional] Create a UI for the database so developers can access the information
- create different sort and group ways for the information - for example by OS, by Java version, by user e-mail
- Create a database to handle the error reports
Task result
Implementation idea
- On clicking the 'Send' button, a HTTP POST request to should be sent.
- Since it may contain an attached file, its format should be as if posted by a form using ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data"
- The database may contain the following fields:
- Date & Time
- Log
- Exception
- User e-mail address
- User notes
- The attached files may not be saved in the database, but in a special folder on the server.
- However, they should be renamed, so that there are no files with the same name and it is possible to understand to which bug report they were attached. For example: ReportNo<N>Attachment.<extension>, where <N> is the number of the report and <extension> is the original extension of the file.
- Write a php script that fills the information in the database and uploads the files.
How to demo
- Open the bug report from from the Help menu
- Send a bug report with an attached file
- Using the UI for the database or a console, if it is not yet ready, make sure that the bug report was stored on
- Restore the 'Attach File' control from an older version of trunk:
- In BugReportDialog there should be:
- a nested class AttachmentField extending BoundTextField;
- public Prop<AttachmentField> attachmentField() - text field for the absolute name of the attached file;
- ATTACH_FILE in EventIds enum.
- The operation ON_ATTACH_FILE in BugReportLogic should handle changing the attached file in the bug report form.
- In BugReportDialog there should be:
- 'Send Report' button:
- add SEND_REPORT BugReportDialog.EventIds enum
- in BugReportDialog.swingComponent...create() create a new LogicR3Button that fires a SEND_REPORT event when clicked and add it to the bottom panel
- 'Send Report' logic:
- A new operation ON_SEND_REPORT in BugReportLogic should handle a user request to send a bug report.
- Using the util class ConnectionUtil (see below) it will open a new HTTP connection to "", send the bug report data (which may include an attached file) as a multi-part HTTP request and read the response from the server
- If no exceptions occurred during the communication with the server, an informative MessageDialogInput will be shown.
- The response of the server will be a string which will be shown in this dialog.
- If an exception occured during the communication with the server, an error dialog will appear to inform the user that ther bug report was not processed.
- (?) However, no new bug report form will appear.
- Move some of the logic for sending multi-part requests from FacadeInvocationHandler to a new class ConnectionUtil in org.sophie2.base.commons.util package.
- The new class will contain the following methods:
- public static HttpURLConnection createConnection(String urlAddress) throws IOException - creates an HttpURLConnection to the HTTP server referred to by the given URL.
- public static void writeData(HttpURLConnection connection, String[] names, Object[] dataValues) throws IOException - sends a multi-part POST request using the specified connection (as if from a form using ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data").
- The names argument contains the names of the fields to send.
- The values argument contains the values to send. They should be either Strings or Files.
- Files are Base64 encoded.
- public static String readResponse(HttpURLConnection connection) throws IOException - reads the response sent through the specified connection.
- The new class will contain the following methods:
- Database:
- Create a new database on with a single table reports .
- The table should contain the following columns:
- date - DATETIME - the time when the report was submitted
- stacktrace - TEXT - stacktrace of the exception that caused the bug report form to appear and the user to submit the report
- log - TEXT - the contents of Sophie's Log file around the time when the exception occurred
- systemProperties - TEXT - all Java system properties at the moment of the bug report submission, serialized as string.
- email - VARCHAR(50) - user e-mail
- userExplanation - TEXT - user notes
- Php script to process the bug reports:
- reads the data in $_POST and using a simple sql query, writes it in the database;
- renames the attached files in the way specified in the implementation idea and uploads them in a special folder on the server
- Source code: [8007]
- The suggestion to replace the util class ConnectionsUtil by a MultipartRequest from the design review was implemented.
- A new ConfigKey<String> BUG_REPORT_ADDRESS was added in BugReportLogic to keep the address where bug reports should be sent.
- Its default value is currently "" and should be changed.
- A new ConfigKey<Long> MAX_ATTACHMENT_SIZE was added in BugReportDialog to keep the maximum allowed attachment size.
- Its default value is 11mb.
- It is used both for validation of BugReportDialog.AttachmentField and in the ON_ATTACH_FILE operation in BugReportLogic.
- If a user clicks on the 'Browse' button and selects from the dialog input a file that is too large, the dialog will be closed and an error message will appear. The bug report form will remain open.
- The server's response will be a simple string that starts with a number:
- 0 means success
- 1 means that the bug report was submitted but the attached file could not be opened
- anything else means that the bug report was not submitted
- Source code:
- Commited to trunk in [8110]
- PHP deployed to
(Place the testing results here.)
(Write comments for this or later revisions here.)