Last modified 16 years ago
Last modified on 12/29/08 15:43:54
Configure the build server to generate complete and accurate reports for every build. The reports should be visualized in useful for the developers form.
Task requirements
- The Hudson server should use the maven reports for every build.
- The reports should be as listed in PLATFORM_DEPLOYMENT_BUILD_MAVEN.
Task result
The Hudson instance which generates full reports for every build executed
Implementation idea
Configure Hudson to use the reports generated from the maven's site command.
How to demo
Show the generated reports for every build executed on the Hudson instance.
- Research is made how to use Maven reports directly in Hudson. It seems that there are many problems trying to show the maven reports directly from Hudson. Watch out the effort during the implementation.
- There are some tutorials how to integrate maven reports plugin here: Use all of the plugins to generate reports for the project.
- Store the generated XML report files in doc/reports folder(first create it).
- some mistakes in parent pom.xml are fixed - removed unused reports and added the needed
- MAVEN_OPTS variable is set on hudson for enough java heap space when building
- you can see the reports generated in our build server for example
- the cobertura and findbugs reports didn't work as long as we had memory problems like java heap space and configuration errors - this can be done in the next revisions of the task because of the small effort now.
(Write comments for this or later revisions here.)