Create a module that aids in finding application resources. These resources could be application graphics, book templates, etc.
Every plugin has a dist directory. Thus this module should look in the plugin's JAR's dist directory and if not found, then in the application resources directory.
Task requirements
- Create a module to help plugins find their own and application resources
- The module should be able to find resources in a plugin's dist JAR file, as well as the application directory
- Define where application resources will be stored
- Provide an API for finding a list of book templates, and then returning one of those templates
- Provide sample code and documentation for this module
Task result
The result of this task is code
Implementation idea
Try to keep this as simple and straight forward as possible. Look into how we're identifying resources and note that in the code, because that is how we should look up resources, likely by resource URI. for example.
This task is related to the plugin and platform structure, although I am unsure of exactly which tasks.
How to demo
Show the code and explain where resources are found and how to use the module.
(Implementation results should be described and linked here (from the wiki or the repository))
open resources for reading/writing get a list of book templates find resources for the application login files
related to plugin and platform structure some resources should be shared between plugins every plugin has a distrib directory
should work without having everything assembled, or assembled