Last modified 16 years ago
Last modified on 01/23/09 12:38:58
The aim of this revision of the task is to adjust the current MVC wiki page to the real situation in Sophie 2.0 as well as improve the MVC itself in the source code.
Task requirements
- Review the CORE_MVC_BASE wiki page and fix to correspond to the current source code.
- provide the name of the module and a link to the source code of the library part of the MVC.
- explain why other part is not possible to put in the library part (Logics and Views are tightly connected with one another and separating them will cause dependency troubles).
- For every functionality in the model, provide corresponding methods to control from the Logics. Some of them include the following:
- frame bounds things - margins, paddings etc.
- frame close.
- frame move.
- frame text settings.
- background and border stuff both for frame and page.
- Note that this is not a full list of the things - some more may have been added till the start of this task...
Task result
- Source code.
- Integration tests - create models, dummy views to keep the reference to the models and access the real logics and use their methods to test upon changing things from the view and into the model.
Implementation idea
- review the model part and think of all current possible functionalities that are not changed through the logic.
- create methods in the Logics => FrameLogic, BookLogic and AppLogic where needed, that change the necessary things in the model. DO NOT implement the methods - only declarations.
- write unit tests for the scenarios.
- implement the methods in the Logics and test.
- current implementation result => CORE_MVC_BASE
How to demo
- Run the unit tests created.
(Implementation results should be described and linked here (from the wiki or the repository))
(Write comments for this or later revisions here.)