Last modified 17 years ago
Last modified on 09/24/08 17:08:52
Global specification is detailed description of the product and its features.
Task requirements
In order to make the document understandable and useful you must follow these rules:
- Keep documentation:
- and other artifacts in such ways that they are as easy as possible to manage
- up to date
- synchronized with work breakdown structure
- with simple structure
- Check regularly for incorrectly specified components.
- Analyze what have to be added and what have to be described more precisely.
Requirements to the task result
The result of this task must be report.
How to demo
Explain how did you manage the specifications. Explain what changes have been made and what's new.
The first step of managing the global specifications is to create a list with available specifications something like a list. Because our specifications structure is already created we must follow the rules that are defined there.
- list the specifications
- remove the unnecessary artifacts
- actualize and apply changes in specifications
- decide what will be needed in future and create easy to use links
- At this state we're going to keep the past specifications and link them in GLOBAL_SPEC_STRUCTURE.
- Created SPEC_INDEX? (empty for now)
- Created google doc with 2 spreadsheets
- sophie2-gui-elements
- DND Table (contains only example data for now)
- Analyzing : Pavlina, Todor(done: 25 mins)
- Analysis Review: 3 - ok Peko (5 mins)
- Designing : todor
- Design Review: 3 - ok Peko (5 mins)
- Implementing : todor
- Implementation Review: 2 - Peko (5 mins) - cannot be ready till the end of the sprint. All artifacts should be thoroughly reviewed.
- Implementing2: todor. Some minor fixes in sophie 2 gui table and SRS. Thoroughly review of all current documents.
- Implementation Review: 3 - Deyan (25 mins)
- Testing :