Fill in and correct information in the specification spreadsheet.
Task requirements
- Discuss right click behavior, expand the spreadsheet
- Add descriptions for all of the elements
- Suggest tooltips for needed elements (buttons, etc. Currently there are no tooltip suggestions.)
- Research for available diagrams in the repository and link them via trac.
- Review, discuss and improve diagrams - if there is something obsolete, remove it. If something is missing, add it to the diagrams.
- Expand the document with GUI elements from the diagrams
- Create diagrams for the GUI elements that have none.
- Review DND elements, answer the questions there.
Task result
Maintained google spreadsheet. Maintained diagrams. New diagrams.
Implementation idea
Diagrams are located here: trunk/sophie2-platform/doc/spec-diagrams. Add format requirements for these in GLOBAL_SPEC_MANAGING?. This task includes discussions, spreadsheet maintenance and diagram maintenance. Use at least 1 ef for adding and repairing diagrams.
google spreadsheet
How to demo
Present the spreadsheet and some diagrams.
(Implementation results should be described and linked here (from the wiki or the repository))
(Write comments for this or later revisions here.)