Current GLOBAL_SPEC_STRUCTURE contains obsolete information. Redesign and maintain it. Specify a consistent gui elements concept.
Task requirements
- Schedule a discussion about application behavior, create a wiki page containing the results of the discussion (GUI elements and user interactions).
- Behavior similar to Sophie 1
- New things
- Divide the "specification" term into "specification" and "user documentation"
- Point user documentation as specification task
- Link user doc tasks from ITERATION_02b
- Create structure for user documentation and fill it with corresponding elements.
- Decide where do keyboard shortcuts belong (and other similar elements if any will be supported - for example mouse gestures.)
- Review existing spreadsheet and improve it's structure if needed
Task result
Implementation idea
Create a wiki page to store the discussion results.
How to demo
Show , explain the User Documentation, keyboard shortcuts.
- Revise the current table in GLOBAL_SPEC_STRUCTURE:
- Change the diagrams link: svn://
- Fix the "not available" links: the folders must be linked with their path in the repository, and the missing documents must be copied from the old repository and linked.
- We need a specification for the user documentation - its structure, its content.
- Link the user_doc tasks until now, which have analyses (the analyses are actually specifications).
- Specify where the documentation will be stored.
- Replace the table with a structured text (or several smaller tables - which is better) - this way longer descriptions/explanations could be made without affecting the good look of the document.
- Revise the google spreadsheet:
- Make a better outlook of the document - the tree structure is not good; the column descriptions could be in italics in order to distinguish them from the content.
- Discuss the name of the spreadsheet - sophie2-gui-elements is not correct, since it contains DND table, too. A better name would be "sophie2-user-interactions"
- Acording to the Sophie2 master specification, there will be undescribed user interactions, like:
- keyboard shortcuts: create a sheet in the existing document for this, called "Keyboard Shortcuts". Make a simple outline there and fill it in with the shortcuts, described in the specification.
- Every other interaction must be put in the same document (for example, the Special keyboard interactions, mouse gestures, etc.)
- Updating information on the current tables is part of another task.
- All discussions' results would be better to be stored in the existing GLOBAL_SPEC_STRUCTURE and applied to the corresponding documents.
Done as described in the Design section. Notes:
- The long links were replaced with just "link" and no may new specification artifacts are expected to appear. So, replacing the table with structured text was not neccessary.
- The structure of the sophie2-gui-elements sheet was not changed, since the task was overtimed and taking care of the content of the document is part of another task.
In the next revision of the task, it would be good to split the "gui elements" sheet in categories (maybe different sheet for each), since with specification growing it may become unreadable. --kyli