Last modified 16 years ago
Last modified on 05/29/09 16:52:33
The goal of this task is to propose and implement concrete performance optimizations for Sophie2.
This should be achieved by either using a profiler or manually identifying potential optimization spots in the code.
A subgoal of this task is to tweak our Profiler, and do a final try on existing profilers which can work with Sophie2 and produce useful results so they can be used for spotting potential optimization spots.
Task requirements
- Propose concrete optimization points in Sophie2 code and optimize them if possible
- by either doing quick hacks
- or proposing serious design changes (like the Aspects) and try to implement them if there's enough time.
- Find a way to measure real method execution count (non-statistical).
- Spend some more time with NetBeans Profiler and try to make it work with Sophie.
- See if using any other existing profiler makes sense.
- Actually, these profilers can turn out to have more features which could prove useful.
- If none of the above works, try to incorporate bytecode instrumentation in our Profiler. This could waste a lot of time so do it only if really needed.
- Consider implementing hit() behavior in the Profiler.
- This means inserting a hit() statement in every method for which you want to get the real hit count.
- This way you get the real hit count for a method,
- and also you can get the last two elements in the stack trace and thus count how much times a given method A() has invoked another method B() in its body like:
methodA() { for(int i = 0; i < 1000000000; ++i) { methodB(); } }
These could possibly be optimized in various ways like using findOne(), findAll() if used for lists, using some HashMaps etc.
- This means inserting a hit() statement in every method for which you want to get the real hit count.
Task result
- Working way to measure real hit count
- Optimization proposals
- Hopefully, implemented optimizations
- Most probably, new functionality in our Profiler.
Implementation idea
- Look at (usage of) these methods in the code and try to optimize them (they proved to consume much time while profiling with hprof):
- org.sophie2.core.modularity.SophieExtensionPoint.extensions -- there such be faster searching in this list maybe
- org.sophie2.core.prolib.util.Registry.endReadTrack -- filtering out could be optimized maybe
- org.sophie2.base.commons.util.ImmGradientPaint.*
- org.sophie2.core.prolib.util.Registry.registerRead
- Look at usage of sun.java2d and try to optimize the drawing of Scenes.
- Implement hit() inside our Profiler and count results in some map.
- Look at JVMTI if you're going to do bytecode instrumentation.
- Find a NetBeans guru and ask him questions on how to run the NetBeans Profiler with Sophie2.
How to demo
- show upgraded reports from the upgraded Profiler
- show optimization proposals and/or concrete optimization results
- memoize locate change manager
(Describe and link the implementation results here (from the wiki or the repository).)
(Place the testing results here.)
(Write comments for this or later revisions here.)