This group of tasks is about redesigning the book model of Sophie2 in accordance with the new model of resources. At this iteration, the old model will be replaced with the new one. No errors and warnings should be present in the code, although some bugs can appear. They should be reported and described at this revision and fixed at the next revision of this task.
Task requirements
Integrate the new resource and book model in Sophie2.
- All new classes should go into their corresponding module (currently they are all in a single module).
- All old model classes should be deleted.
- Views should be refactored to work with the new model.
- Helper classes and auto actions should be written to facilitate the changes.
Task result
Source code with the new model of Sophie integrated into the product.
Implementation idea
- Start the refactoring in a clean branch in order to ease the merging.
- Add a @Deprecated annotation at all classes that should be replaced (both in the resource and book model). This will highlight the code to be replaced.
- Replace the old classes with the new ones one by one. This will result in errors appearing in the project. Fix them by writing helpers where necessary.
- Test for strange behavior, report and fix bugs, write clear TODO, XXX, FIXME tags for future reference if something cannot be done at the current stage.
How to demo
- Show some of the new model clasess - for example Resource and Page.
- Show simple usage of these classes - helper classes and auto actions.
Describe your design here.
Describe and link the implementation results here (from the wiki or the repository).
Place the testing results here.
Write comments for this or later revisions here.