Last modified 16 years ago Last modified on 09/11/09 09:18:21

Tooltips convention


  • Every tooltip is a sentence that doesn't have a period at the end of a sentence.
  • If there is a shortcut connected with this action and the shorcut is not pointed in the control (as it is for the menu items for example) it should be written in parentheses.
  • Description (if needed) and how-to-use text should be semicolon separated. Example:
    The current page number; type in another number to go to that page 
  • For consistency, a tooltip should say "Do this" and NOT "Does this" when an action is performed
    • Exception is made only for controls that switch views - "This shows that functionality"


New Book Menu Item - tooltip text: Create a new book 

Specific objects

  • If an object can only be single clicked to perform an action, the tooltip should only point it's action.
  • If an object can be double, middle, right clicked and/or dragged, it's actions are listed in the following order
    • Click
    • Double click
    • Middle click
    • Drag

separated by semicolon. Example

Double-click to apply to the currently selected frame; drag to the page to create a new frame