Last modified 16 years ago Last modified on 09/11/09 09:19:08

Error: Macro BackLinksMenu(None) failed
compressed data is corrupt

Error: Macro TicketQuery(summary=GROUP_HELP_R1, format=table, col=summary|owner|status|type|component|priority|effort|importance, rows=description|analysis_owners|analysis_reviewers|analysis_score|design_owners|design_reviewers|design_score|implementation_owners|implementation_reviewers|implementation_score|test_owners|test_reviewers|test_score|) failed
current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block



Add tooltips for most of the existing controls and elements.

Task requirements

  • Create a convention for the tooltips (How should a tooltip look, punctioation marks, etc.)
  • Create a list of ALL needed tooltips for the application
    • Existing
    • Nonexisting
    • Layout elements
      • Flaps
        • Flap controls
      • Tabs
      • Palettes
      • Tabs in opened books tabbar
      • App window buttons
      • Book window controls
      • Menu items
      • Halos
      • Hud controls
    • Book elements
      • Frames
      • Frame borders
      • Page work area
  • Make the tooltips easily accesible and editable (in a file for example)
    • See if they are in skin

Task result

Convention, list of tooltips, code.

Implementation idea

ElementExisting tooltipNew tooltip
Open Menu ItemOpen existing book.Open existing book


How to demo

Show the convention and the new tooltips.



Every tooltip is a sentence that doesn't have a period at the end of a sentence. If there is a shortcut connected with this action, it should be written in parentheses.


File File Menu File Menu (Alt-F)
New Book Create a new book Create a new book
Open Book... Open an existing book Open an existing book
Close ? Close the current book
Save Save the current book Save the changes made to the current book
Save As... Save the current book with a new name Save the current book with a new name
Save As Template Save the current book as a book template Save the current book as a book template
Export Book As ? Export the book to other file formats
PDF... ? Export the book as a PDF
HTML... ? Export the book as a webpage
Print... ? Print the book
Book Properties... ? Edit the current book's title and dimensions
Quit ? Exit Sophie
Edit Edit Menu Edit Menu (Alt-E)
Undo ? Undo the last action
Redo ? Redo the last undone action
Cut ? Move the selected element to another location by pasting
Copy ? Copy the selected element to another location by pasting
Paste ? Put the last copied/cut element to selected location
Delete ? Remove the selected element from its current location
Insert Insert Menu Insert Menu (Alt-E)
Text ? Add an empty text frame to the current page
Image... ? Add an image file to the current page
Audio... ? Add an audio file to the current page
Audio Record... ? Record audio and add it to the current page
Video... ? Add a video file to the current page
Book... ? Add a Sophie book to the current page
PDF... ? Add a PDF to the current page
HTML... ? Import HTML content into a frame on the current page
Plain text... ? Import plain text into a frame on the current page
Browser ? Insert a browser frame on the current page
Script ? Create a new script in this book
Script file... ? Attach a script created outside of Sophie to this book
View View Menu View Menu (Alt-V)
Normal mode ? Use Sophie in a window
Full screen mode ? Use Sophie in full-screen mode
Skins Skins Menu Skins Menu (Alt-S)
Window Window Menu Window Menu (Alt-W)
Cascade ? Stack the book windows so that each title bar is visible
Tile ? Arrange the book windows so they are shown side by side
Book Window Item ? Book Title
Help Help Menu Help Menu (Alt-H)
Help Contents ? Display the main help index
Send an Error Report ? Report problems related to application use to the Sophie developers
About ? Show version and license information

Opened books tabbar

Show Desktop ? Switch to the book desktop
Book Tab Item ? Full book name


Left ? Show or hide the left flap
Right ? Show or hide the right flap
Bottom ? View and edit the currently selected timeline


Books ? The books tab lists open books as well as embedded books in the current book
Book item in Opened books palette ? Book name: double-click to switch to this book
Book item in Embedded books palette ? Book name: double-click to open this embedded book in a new window
Pages ? The pages tab shows thumbnails of your book
Page item ? Click to go to this page; drag to reorder; drag a page template here to change the page template
Tools ? The tools tab allows you to search the content of your book
Search Field ? Enter text to search
Config ? The config tab allows you to set up and configure the Sophie application
Plugin item ? Name of the plugin
Enable button ? Enable the selected plugin
Disable button ? Disable the selected plugin: plugins dependent on this one will also be disabled
Servers ? The servers tab allows you to connect to Sophie Servers
Server item ? Server Name
Toggle selected button ? Connect or disconnect from the currently selected server
Refresh button ? Refresh the list of books on the current server
Resources ? This tab shows resources in your book
Copy ? Duplicate this resource
Delete ? Remove this resource
Changes ? This palette shows the history of actions that have been performed on the current book
Library ? This tab shows book templates, page templates, and frame templates
Frame template item ? Double-click to apply to the currently selected frame, or drag to the page to create a new frame
Page template item ? Double-click to apply to the current page, or drag to the page preview palette to create a new page
Book template item ? Double-click to create a new book from the template, or drag to the page to create a new embedded book
Book Extras ? This tab allows readers to add annotations to the book
Add Sticky ? Add a sticky note to the current page
Styles ? This tab shows paragraph and character styles
Timelines ? Show timeline controls

Book window

Zoom panel ? Zoom in or out to see less or more of the book window (Ctrl-+/Ctrl--/Ctrl+*)
Page selector go to prev page ? Go to the previous page (PgUp)
Page selector go to next page ? Go to the next page (PgDown)
Page selector text field ? The current page number; type in another number to go to that page
Search text field ? Enter the text to search for
Search prev ? Go to the previous search result
Search next ? Go to the next search result
Outline frames ? Show frame bounds (border, margins and padding)
Open preview ? Open a preview of this book to see how it will appear to the reader

Book content

Resize cursor ? Drag frame edges to resize the frame
Text/Audio/Video/Book/PDF/Browser Frame ? Text/Audio/Video/Book/PDF/Browser frame; drag another resource here to replace this frame's content
Page ? Drag resources to the page to add content to this page


FramePropertiesHalo ? The frame properties HUD lets you edit the size, position, and orientation of the frame
FrameAppearanceHalo ? The frame appearance HUD lets you control frame borders and fills
Increase z-order halo ? Move this frame forward
Decrease z-order halo ? Move this frame backward
LinkHalo ? Add or edit links on this frame
DeleteHalo ? Delete this frame from the page
GroupHalo ? Create a group of the selected frames so they can be manipulated together
UngroupHalo ? Ungroup this group so that the frames can be edited separately
AlignHalo ? Align these frames together
EnterGroupHalo ? Start editing the objects inside the group as they were not grouped
ExitGroupHalo ? Stop editing the frames inside this group
CharacterHalo ? Change the character styles for selected text
PararaphHalos ? Change the paragraph settings of this paragraph
Content control halo (for video, audion, pdf, etc) ? Content - Edit preview options such as frame controllers
AnchorHalo ? Click to show text anchoring options, or drag to anchor
RotateHalo ? Click to show orientation options, or drag to rotate
ChainingHalo ? Click to show chaining options, or drag to another frame to chain to that frame
  • In Implementation section only tooltips for the existing elements will be added/replaced
  • In Implementation section only the non-drag part will be implemented since the dragging functionality is still not present.
  • HUD's tooltips won't be changed since a HUD refactoring is needed. Only dots at the ends of the sentences will be removed.
  • A wiki page TOOLTIPS? with the design section will be created.



Convention for the tooltips: TooltipConvention?


(Place the testing results here.)


I've added my suggested changes here. --danvisel
