Last modified 16 years ago
Last modified on 04/22/09 18:00:10
Selecting the page in the page structure palette makes the page halo appear on the page.
- The page halo menu should include following halo buttons
- Style halo
- Show/hide template
- Add as template
- Links manage
- Style hud should be evoked when style halo is presed. This hud should contain following functionality
- Change page dimensions (width, height)(affects all pages)
- Combo box with different background types which will show the various filling controls from which the user can choose. Types are flat color, gradient color, image, pattern.
- Change border settings
- Fill (none, flat color, gradient color, image, pattern)
- Size of the border (user should be able to fill common size or to define custom size for top, bottom, left and right)
- The rest of the halo buttons should act as they do on any other page element
Task requirements
- Create a prototype of page halo and hud.
- Create prototype of the page border.
Task result
- The result should be code
Implementation idea
- They are already things that are implemented, like the border and the halo menu.
- Use the result of GROUP_FILLING? task - Background and border hud are the same for the frame and the page. For now there can't be a combo box
How to demo
- Run the application
- Create new book
- Add few pages
- Change their appearance via page hud (add border, fill etc.)
- Implement the task after GROUP_FILLING_R0.
- In the background and border hud add panel named Background filling where the types of filling will be listed. It will be good if there is a combo box for the background types but there is a bug in it so they will be only listed for now.
- To add color/gradient/image field to the panel create three classes for each of them with parent the Background filling panel.
- The background filling panel has to be added in BackgroundAndBorderHud class and listed in the related children section.
- Do not forget to:
- Use appropriate sort keys for the new classes.
- Not declare the hud for color/gradient/image field classes as global variable(it is a property) - create method getBackgroundModel to prevent this.
- The border size will be implemented in the next revision of the task because the lack of time.
- The other requirements are already implemented.
(Describe and link the implementation results here (from the wiki or the repository).)
(Place the testing results here.)
(Write comments for this or later revisions here.)