Last modified 16 years ago Last modified on 05/12/09 13:24:58

Error: Macro BackLinksMenu(None) failed
compressed data is corrupt

Error: Macro TicketQuery(summary=GROUP_TEMPLATES_R0, format=table, col=summary|owner|status|type|component|priority|effort|importance, rows=description|analysis_owners|analysis_reviewers|analysis_score|design_owners|design_reviewers|design_score|implementation_owners|implementation_reviewers|implementation_score|test_owners|test_reviewers|test_score|) failed
current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block



  • Templates allow the user to create book elements suchs as frames, pages and books that have certain pre-defined characteristics.
  • The newly created elements may override the properties of the template.
  • Editing the template should update all objects that it is applied to.
  • Locking a property, prevents any changes to it.

Task requirements

  • Define a library that supports templating a pro-objects.
    • There should be a different behaviour for immutables and mutables.
    • Use composition instead of inheritance to prevent coliding with resources.
  • Define a basic GUI in halos/huds for creating and manipulating templates and locking.
  • Define frames, pages and books templates pallete in the library tab.
  • The frame properties that need to be templated can be seen FRAME_TEMPLATES_R0
  • The page properties that need to be templated can be seen at PAGE_TEMPLATE_BEHAVIOUR_R0

Task result

The result of this task should be source code.

Implementation idea

  • The template and the element are an instance of the same class. For example, the template of a frame is also a frame.
  • Properties that are templated should be defined as auto properties, which will calculate their values based on the template of the object.
  • Page and frame templates should be global for each book.
  • Book templates should be global for the app.

How to demo

  • Start Sophie2.
  • Create a page with some frames.
  • Add the page as a template.
  • Create another page and apply the newly created template to it.


The main goal is that, making a property templated should require minimum ammount of code. Here is an example:

public RwProp<ImmColor> color() {
	class color extends AutoProperty<ImmColor> {
		protected ImmColor compute() {
			return templateSupport().get().getFieldValue(this);

		protected void doSet(ImmColor value) {
			templateSupport().get().setFieldValue(this, value);
	return getBean().makeRwProp(color.class);

The main idea is that all templated properties should be made auto, and their values be calculated based on the template or their own value. Typically, not all properties of a pro-object will be needed to be templated, so an anotation should be present, which will specify which ones to be included in the template. The different scenarios of templating a property of a pro-object depend on the following:

  • Whether the property is a list-property or a value-property, e.g. scalar;
  • Whether is is mutable or not.
  • Add template package in module. It should provide the functionallity for templating a pro-object. It should contain the following classes:
    • TemplateField:
      • Base class for a templated field, which has some basic properties like the id of the field, locked() (boolean) and useTemplate() (boolean);
      • locked() is used for locking the field, e.g. preventing any changes to it;
      • useTemplate() is used for indicating whether the value from the template should be used.
    • TemplateValueField:
      • Used for templating a value property;
      • Inherits TemplateField;
      • Has ownValue() value property, which contains the own value of the value property;
      • Has derivedValue() auto property, which computes the value that is from the template;
      • Has value() which return the actual value. It should depend on the useTemplate() flag, ownValue(), and derivedValue().
    • TemplateListField:
      • Used for templating a list property;
      • Inherits TemplateField;
      • Has ownList() - a list property with the objects that the property contains;
      • Has derivedList() - an auto list property with the objects that are derived from the template;
      • Has list() - an auto list property which is a union of derivedList() (if useTemplate() is true) and ownList().
    • TemplateSupport:
      • Each pro-object that needs to be templated should contain an instance of this class;
      • It should contain a value list, named fields(), which will contain the actual properties of the templated pro-object.
      • Upon initialization, it should iterate trough all the properties of the templated pro-object, that have the @Templated annotation, and insert TemplateField objects in fields().
      • derive(source) method - if source is immutable, it should just return its value, otherwise the derive() method should be called on it.
      • abstract method computeTemplate(). Each class that has a template support, should define how the templted should be fetched;
      • Helper methods like setFieldValue(), getFieldValue() for manipulating the own values of a TemplateValueField;
      • Helper methods like addProp(), removeProp(), etc., for manipulating the own list of a TemplateListField;
    • @Templated annotation, used for indicating which property to be templated, as described above;
    • Derivable interface:
      • has method derive(), which in most cases copies the object;
      • all mutable classes that are being templated, should implements this interface.
  • There should be 3 palletes in the the library tab - Frame, Page and Book pallete:
    • For this revision, double clicking on a frame or a page template in the pallete, applies it to the current frame or page;
    • For this revision, double clicking on a book template in the pallete, opens it for editing;
    • For this revision, pressing enter on a book template in the pallete, creates a new one based on the book template.
  • Halos:
    • Add a halo button in the page halo menu which adds the current page as a template;
    • Add a halo button in the page halo menu which toggles the visibility of the frames from the template;
    • Add a halo button in the frame halo menu which adds the current frame as a template;
    • Add a halo button in the frame halo menu which toggles the content of the frame (its own or the one from the template).
  • Huds:
    • In most Huds (BackgroundAndBorderHud, FrameInsetsHud, FrameSizeAndPositionHud, ShadowHud), the following checkboxes should be added:
      • Use template;
      • Lock.
  • Update the classes in, that need template support, using the newly created library.

UML class diagram:


Unit test: TemplateTest

Integration test: TemplateIntegrationTest

Demo: TemplateDemo


Changesets: [1913], [1926], [1946], [1960], [1961], [1962], [1965], [1980], [2129], [2130], [2171], [2186], [2462]

Merged to the trunk in changeset [2555].


(Place the testing results here.)


(Write comments for this or later revisions here.)