Last modified 16 years ago Last modified on 10/01/08 17:12:20
  • Analyzing : Tanya, toshko - 25 min + Tanya 20 min refactor
  • Designing : Tanya - 2h 10 min
  • Designing2: todor
  • Implementing : todor
    • Task review 2 points : Current task analysis, design and implementation presume that the Internal Backlog is different kinds of documents. If someone wants to see a part of it, he should look in the task's revision wiki page to determine where he should look for the information. I suggest creating a Wiki page named INTERNAL_BACKLOG? where all these links (google docs, wiki pages) should be linked with brief explanation what part of the backlog is stored there.
  • Implementing 2: todor
    • Task review 3 points : How to demo is not complete, Implementation section should contain more detailed information about implementation.
  • Implementing 3: Pac ( done 20m )
  • Testing :