Last modified 16 years ago
Last modified on 01/07/09 20:05:16
Table of Contents
Release team working process
Tasks for testing
- These are the tasks from iterations 01, 02 and 02b.
- We should test the user visible tasks.
Urgent Goals
Before 2008-12-15 we need to achieve the following:
- documentation
- download page
- release documentation
- user documentation
- installation instructions
- product
- repository branching
- tuning
- bugs to fix
- things to remove
- things to disable
- files to download
- final delivery
Download Page
Release Document
- released features:
- External
- The main window
- Book window and its navigation capabilities
- Frames
- Menus
- Dialogs
- Text support
- Flaps, Tabs, Palettes
- Internal
- Properties library (probably a short description and a link to PRO_LIB_CORE_TUTORIAL])
- Inspector
- Community server
- Describe/link things listed in the release schedule
- Make the download page (communicate with Pac to help on this).
- External
User Documentation
- This should be the documentation for all features available in the released downloadable. This includes new features, old features and updates done to them. This way we could iteratively form the final user docs.
- Currently at ITERATION_03/Release/UserDocumentation
Installation Instructions
- installation instructions (MAC/Windows/Linux). Mac java tweaking instructions.
Always write where is the result of the task you completed. This would be the changeset with thorough commit comment for coding and a link to the wiki page for a document.
Repository Branching
Release Tuning
- Edit the about dialog so that it contains the text in ITERATION_03/Release/AboutSophie2. The text should be refined.- veliko (done 2008-12-14 17:20 EET .Changeset [834][837][852])
- + main team -- merged
- Review bundles.config files.Remove unnecessary modules and add others if needed. - pap (done 2008-12-14 22:19 EET. Changeset [833],[839].)
- -
- Review file and change log file name and logging level. - pap (will be done only in the released zip file)
- + base
- Review pom.xml files for mistakes(dependencies, BundleActivators, embed/import dependencies) - pap (done 2008-12-15 02:28EET. Changeset [843].)
- + base
- Repair prefixed and suffixed path in the bundle search code in launcher module. - pap (will be done only in the released zip file)
- -
Bugs to Fix
- The icons are not properly placed according to their usage. This prevents the application from functioning normally (i.e. one cannot create a book) - Pap (done 2008-12-11 18:28EET. Changeset [757] )
- done
- The file is not read from the working directory at startup. - pap (done 2008-12-11 18:28EET. Changeset [757] )
- + main --merged APP_PLUGIN_STARTUP?
- The application is not closable in a normal way - jani (done 2008-12-12 12:21EET. Changeset [760] ) (See #Comments for more details)
- + base -- merged but could be solved in a more intelligent way in PLUGGIN_SUPPORT_LIB?
- Change visible appearances of "Veda" to "Sophie 2" - veliko (done 2008-12-11 18:13EET. Changeset[772],[778])
- + main --merged
- Books are not closable. Trying to do so causes an exception. - jani (done 2008-12-13 19:34EET. Changeset[823], [842])
- base, some PRO? -- merged
- Creating a second book causes an exception. This leads to menu failure. - jani (done 2008-12-12 21:35EET. Changeset [791] )
- main -- merged
- Books are not openable. If this is not solvable in a reasonable time, book opening may be hidden. - jani (done 2008-12-13 13:13EET. Changeset [813] ) (See #Comments for more details)
- main -- merged
- Saving a book throws an exception. If this cannot be easily fixed, the move to the "Things to disable" section and disable it(hide menu items keyboard shortcuts etc.) - jani (done 2008-12-12 18:01EET. Changeset [776],[812] )
- base - some persistence -- merged
- Page navigation is not working properly when a page number is typed in directly. - jani (done 2008-12-13 12:58EET. Changeset [811] )
- main -- merged
- Extensions are not declared where they're supposed to be. This is concerning main.view and func.file modules, but other should be reviewed too. - pap (done 2008-12-15 00:50 EET. Changeset [840],[841])
- base - peko
- Book properties on an empty book causes a crash. - jani (done 2008-12-14 00:39EET. Changeset [828] )
- main -- merged
- Setting a page width or height less than or equal to zero causes a crash. - jani (done 2008-12-13 20:05EET. Changeset [827] )
- main -- merged
- Choosing a book from the window main menu causes a crash. - jani (done 2008-12-15 12:53EET. Changeset [844] )
- main -- merged
- If the line in org.sophie2.launcher.Main that loads the log4j configuration is commented out, then the application loads the config from the launcher jar file. This leads to unwanted logging behavior.
Things to Remove
- module - Pap - done(2008-12-11 16:37 EET)
- deprecation of bindings, children properties and observe value.- veliko ( done 2008-12-14 22:33:39 EET.Changeset[835])
- tests that cause errors(VLDocking ProLibUtil)- veliko(done 2008-12-13 11:52:47 EET. Changeset[816])
- server and server.persistence modules-veliko (done 2008-12-13 12:20 EET. Changeset[810])
- sophie2-platform/old (this is the veda code that was developped before we started Sophie 2.0 project) - veliko (done 2008-12-12 12:03EET. Changeset[759])
Things to Disable
- Scenes (the sample implementaion). This is the window that says: "This is the sample page work area ...." - jani (done 2008-12-12 12:31EET. Changeset [761] )
- Undo/redo from the menu. - jani (done 2008-12-14 00:46EET. Changeset [829] )
- Image content. - jani (done 2008-12-14 19:15EET. Changeset [832] )
- Z-order changing. - jani (done 2008-12-14 19:15EET. Changeset [832] )
Final Delivery
How to use the branch
- Update your working copy of the repository
- If you have the trunk project imported in Eclipse, change your workspace to a new one (for example "Release"
- Import as a "Maven project" from branches/release01/sophie2-platform
- All your changes from now on will affect only the release branch
Closing Sophie 2
- Sophie 2 will close only if File -> Quit is selected from the menu.
- The "x" on the main window has no effect.
Opening books
- Books made with this release will open.
- The sample books in the repository won't open.
- We may need to create a sample book with the release.