Last modified 16 years ago
Last modified on 03/13/09 10:42:16
Table of Contents
RELEASE 3 pre-alpha-4
Release team working process
Tasks for testing
Urgent Goals
Before 2009-03-13 we need to achieve the following:
- product
- repository branching
- Gaining functionality needed for the third release as stated by the schedule
- tuning
- bugs to fix
- things to remove
- things to disable
- files to download
- final delivery
- documentation
- download page
- release documentation
- user documentation
- installation instructions
Download Page
Release Document
- Links
- Internal support for plugin configuration
- Resource Manipulation
- Community Web Site
- Sophie Server
- Resource management
- Search
- Book desktop
User Documentation
- This should be the documentation for all features available in the released downloadable. This includes new features, old features and updates done to them. This way we could iteratively form the final user docs.
- Currently at ITERATION_06/Release/UserDocumentation
Installation Instructions
- installation instructions (MAC/Windows/Linux). Mac java tweaking instructions.
Always write where is the result of the task you completed. This would be the changeset with thorough commit comment for coding and a link to the wiki page for a document.
Repository Branching
The Branch was made - branches/release03-pre-alpha-4
Promised Features
- Links
- Resource cloning
- Resource references
- More use of R3 MVC
- Refactor EventR3 filtering and firing
- Book preview mode
- Scenes intetractivity
- Fix halos and huds according to the single halo instance principle
Ticket | Summary | Effort | Status |
#295 | BASE_MODEL_LINKS_R0 | 0.5 | closed |
#1124 | LINKS_COMMON_R0 | 1 | closed |
#1127 | LINKS_MANIPULATION_R0 | 1 | closed |
#1140 | FRAME_LINK_TRIGGERING_R0 | 0.5 | closed |
#1143 | FRAME_LINK_MANIPULATION_R0 | 0.5 | closed |
#1146 | FRAME_LINK_STYLES_R0 | 1 | closed |
#1152 | LINKS_ACTIONS_COMMON_R0 | 0.5 | closed |
#1158 | LINKS_ACTIONS_SHOWING_R0 | 0.5 | closed |
- Internal support for plugin configuration
- Build with maven and run thorugh Felix
- Resource getting through the modules
- Some way to allow invocation of a single plugin configuration process
- Wiki page and tickets: GROUP_PLUGINS_R0
Ticket | Summary | Effort | Status |
#113 | PLUGIN_SUPPORT_LIB_BASE_R1 | 1 | closed |
#413 | APP_PLUGIN_MANAGER_CONFIGURE_R0 | 0.5 | closed |
- Resource Manipulation
- Resource renaming
- Locate resource usage
- creating a frame from a given resource
- Community Web Site
- Sophie Server
- Resource management
- Search
- Book desktop
- The desktop is a book that is the current when no other book is selected
- Display its resources
- Insert frames into it
- Perhaps limited UI
- Changes and undo
- Templates
- Text rendering
- Fix palettes
Release Tuning
Bugs to Fix
Things to Remove
Things to Disable
Final Delivery
How to use the branch
Update your working copy of the repository
- If you have the trunk project imported in Eclipse, change your workspace to a new one (for example "Release")
- Import as a "Maven project" from branches/release03-pre-alpha-4
- All your changes from now on will affect only the release branch
- We should prepare a good sample book.