Last modified 16 years ago Last modified on 05/12/09 01:31:51

Error: Macro BackLinksMenu(None) failed
compressed data is corrupt

4.1. Changing the size and position of a frame

When a frame is selected in Sophie, the frame halos appear, like this:


The drag handle, above the frame, can be dragged around to move the frame on the page.

When the frame size and position halo is clicked to open the frame size and position HUD, the frame's position and width and height can be manually set. The frame size and position HUD looks like this:


Enter values in the fields to set the frame's position or size.

The +Z and -Z halo buttons (move forward and move backward) change the frame's z-order, which is where the frame exists relative to the other frames on the page. Moving a frame forward moves it in front of other frames; moving it backward moves it behind other frames.