Last modified 16 years ago Last modified on 07/15/09 22:23:07

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2.7. Book Windows

Sophie books appear inside the Sophie workspace. Each book has its own window. A book window has a few main parts:


The title bar

At the top of the book window is the title bar. It looks like this:


At the right is the book title. You can set the book's name by choosing Edit > Set Title. If you double-click the title bar, the book will be maximized to take up the entire area of the workspace. Double-clicking the title bar of a maximized book will return the book to its normal size.

There are three buttons to the right of the title bar. The one on the left is the minimize button: clicking this will minimize the book to the bottom of the Sophie workspace. Next to that is the maximize button, which will maximize the book to the size of the workspace. At the right side of the title bar is the close button. Clicking the close button will close the book.

The visible page

Below the title bar is the book proper, where the page of the book appears. It looks like this:


The book page appears over a gray background. Frames may be placed on the gray background and not on the book page itself.

To the right and the bottom of the page itself are the scroll bars. You can use these scroll bars to move to areas of the page that aren’t visible; you may want to adjust the book window size.

The page halo (or halos) allow you to modify settings for the page, including background color, border, and links. The book resize handle can be dragged to resize the book. This can also be done by choosing Edit > Set Page Dimensions.

The status bar

At the bottom of the book window is the status bar, which has controls for specifying what you see in the book window. It looks like this


At the left is the zoom setting. This will zoom the view in the page window. The default is 100%. If the zoomed page is bigger than the page window, the page will grow scrollbars.

To the right of the zoom setting are the page-turning buttons and the current page number. You can press the left arrow and right arrow to go back and forward a page; if you type a number in the page number field you'll go to that page. Pressing the right button currently adds another page to the Sophie book; this is not how pages will be added in the final version of Sophie.

Next to the page-turning buttons are the search on page controls. These doesn't currently function.

To the right of the search controls is the outline frames toggle. When this is checked, all frames are outlined; margins and padding are also visible. This is a tool for editing books.

At the right side of the status bar is the Open Preview button. When this button is clicked, a preview of the book is generated; previews of books behave as the book will in Sophie Reader.

The edges and corners of the book window

If you move your mouse over the edges or corners of a Sophie book window, you’ll see the cursor change. Dragging the edges or corners of a Sophie book window will change the window size. Any edge or corner will work this way.