Last modified 15 years ago Last modified on 07/05/10 20:45:04

Known issues

The page lists known problems of Sophie in this release (Sophie 2.0.9, released 5 July 2010). Some of these issues may be cleared up by daily builds, which are available on the downloads page.

Known issues on all platforms

  • Pasted text may be incorrectly styled.
  • Videos wider than 480 pixels may perform poorly.
  • Text selection is not maintained on Sophie Server
  • Sophie's performance is better on computers when running in Java 6 than it is in Java 5; if your computer has both, make sure that you're using Java 6.
  • Web sites using Flash may not display properly in browser frames on all platforms.
  • Not all resources can be exported in their original formats yet.
  • Issues with layout redrawing may affect performance.

Known issues on specific platforms

In some cases, there may be issues specific to a particular platform. Choose your platform for more information: