Last modified 15 years ago Last modified on 07/05/10 20:43:45

Running Sophie on Windows

Sophie should run on computers that have either Java 5 or Java 6. To run Sophie on Windows, you'll need Windows XP, Windows Vista, or Windows 7, running at least Java 5.1. You can download the latest Sophie here.

Installing Sophie on Windows

To run Sophie, you need to make sure that Java is installed first. You can download it here if you haven't already installed Java.

  1. Unzip,, or to create the folder sophie-2.0.9. The application files will be inside that folder.
  2. To start Sophie, run the file sophie2author.exe for Sophie Author, sophie2reader.exe for Sophie Reader, or sophie2server.exe for Sophie Server.

Windows issues

  • There are some issues with layout redrawing on Windows Vista.