Last modified 15 years ago Last modified on 01/16/10 17:51:34

Constructing your own version of the James Joyce "Araby" book

To construct your own copy of this book, download the contents of the book here (ZIP file, 33 kb). Unzip the file to create a folder; it should have an RTF file and two images in it.

This book should be fairly simple to make; follow these instructions to duplicate the version that can be downloaded, but feel free to play with them and change them as you like. The links in these instructions go to sections of the documentation that describe the parts of Sophie being used more thoroughly.

  1. Start up Sophie Author.
  2. [Create a new Sophie book. Set the dimensions to 640 x 480; give it whatever title you like.
  3. On the first page, click on the page appearance halo to open the page appearance HUD. Set the page background color and border to whatever you'd like; close the HUD.
  4. Click the save page as template halo to save the page as a template so all your pages will look alike.
  5. Insert a text frame on page 1 and enter the author name and title. Use the character and paragraph HUDs to style the text as you'd like it to look.
  6. Add another page after page 1. Go to page 2.
  7. On page 2, go to the library tab, and double-click the name of the page template you saved. Your new page will now have the same background as your first page.
  8. Choose Insert > RTF from the menu bars, and select Araby.rtf. A new text frame will be created with the text of the story in it.
  9. Open the text frame's size & position HUD and set its X to 25, its Y to 25, its width to 590, and its height to 390.
  10. If you'd like to use a drop-cap (the big letter "N" at the start of the story), insert a text frame, type the letter "N" in, and use the character HUD to make it as big as you want it. Then change the size of the frame so that it only has the "N" in it and move it to the upper left of the main text frame. The main text should flow around it; you might want to change the margins of the frame so there isn't extra space around the letter.
  11. Now to add the buttons. Choose Insert > Image and choose first leftarrow.png and then rightarrow.png. As you insert each image, move it to the spot on the page where it should be.
  12. To make the left button function, select its frame, then click on the link halo to open the link HUD.
  13. Click + to add a new link. As trigger, choose MOUSE_PRESSED; as action, choose Go to previous page.
  14. Click on the right arrow's link HUD to set up its link. Click + to add a new link, choose MOUSE_PRESSED as the trigger, and choose Go to next page as the link action.
  15. Now let's add all the other pages. Select the main text frame; click on the chain halo in the lower right corner. Change its chaining setting from autochain to off.
  16. You should now have nine new pages with text on them in the same place. For each page, go to the library tab and double-click the name of the saved page template to make all the pages have the same background.
  17. And now let's add the page-turning buttons to all the pages. Go back to page 2 and select the left arrow. Select Edit > Copy to copy the frame, or press command/control-c, which does the same thing.
  18. Now turn to every page that needs a left page-turning button (which should be every page but the first one), select Edit > Paste or press command/control-v. This will paste a copy of the arrow frame; the link is preserved.
  19. Do the same thing with the right page-turning button. Paste a copy on every page except the last.
  20. Save your book, then open it in Reader. It should work exactly like the original book.

source:/branches/private/danvisel/sophie2-platform/doc/userdoc-images/DEMO_MATERIAL/ArabyPage1.png source:/branches/private/danvisel/sophie2-platform/doc/userdoc-images/DEMO_MATERIAL/ArabyPage2.png