Last modified 15 years ago Last modified on 01/12/10 00:10:14

Demo Books

Currently, downloading a Sophie book in Safari may change the extension from .book.s2 to Remove the .zip suffix; the books will open normally in Sophie. Don't unzip the .zip file: you'll end up with something that can't actually be used in Sophie.

James Joyce's "Araby"

This book is extremely simple: it shows how flowing text works in Sophie using a short story by James Joyce. The buttons at the bottom of the page allow the reader to turn the page. To learn how to build this book, click here.

source:/branches/private/danvisel/sophie2-platform/doc/userdoc-images/DEMO_MATERIAL/ArabyPage1.png source:/branches/private/danvisel/sophie2-platform/doc/userdoc-images/DEMO_MATERIAL/ArabyPage2.png

Die Stadt Demo Book

This book shows twenty pages from Frans Masereel's Die Stadt, a Belgian novel without words from 1925. It is constructed entirely from images. Click on each image to turn to the next page. To learn how to build this book, click here.

source:/branches/private/danvisel/sophie2-platform/doc/userdoc-images/DEMO_MATERIAL/DieStadtTitle.png source:/branches/private/danvisel/sophie2-platform/doc/userdoc-images/DEMO_MATERIAL/DieStadtPage.png

Timeline Visibility Demo Book

This book has a single page and demonstrates how timelines in Sophie can be used to play with visibility. When the book is opened in Sophie Reader or in preview mode in Sophie Author, a sequence of numbers show and hide themselves. To see how the timelines are set up, open the timeline flap before viewing the book in preview mode in Sophie Author. To learn how to build this book, click here.


Timeline Position Changing Demo Book

This book has a single page and demonstrates how timelines in Sophie can be used to play with frame position over time. When the book is opened in Sophie Reader or in preview mode in Sophie Author, a blue ball slowly moves around the page. To see how the timelines are set up, open the timeline flap before viewing the book in preview mode in Sophie Author and select the blue ball's frame. To learn how to build this book, click here.


Page Turning Demo Book

This book demonstrates how audio can be synchronized with pages. When this book is opened in Sophie Reader or the preview mode of Sophie Author, the first page will appear and audio will play. After about seven seconds, the page will turn; page 2 lasts another seven seconds. At the end of page 3, the book loops back to the beginning. A book similar to this could be used to construct a slideshow. To learn how to build this book, click here.
