Last modified 15 years ago Last modified on 12/01/09 05:27:07

2.1. Using stickies

In the right flap of Sophie Author, or the left flap of Sophie Reader, you can find the book extras tab, which looks like this:


If you click the New Sticky button in the stickies palette, a new sticky will be added to your book. (You may be prompted to create a new annotation set first.) Stickies look like this:


Clicking the X in the upper right corner of the sticky will close it; stickies can be dragged by dragging the drag halo to the left of the close button. If you mouseover the edges of a sticky, they'll light up; you can drag the edges of a sticky to resize it. The timeline halo allows you to add stickies to a timeline.

Stickies contain the time and date when they were made in their title bar. If you click in them, you can edit the content of the sticky; presently, you can't format text in a sticky.