The Page selector is used to select the current page of the book displayed in the associated book window. It also adds new pages at the end of the book.
In this revision:
Revise, modularize accordingly. Try to make it better.
Task requirements
- Make a SophieModule that will contain the page selector
- Make the page selector an extension to the corresponding extension point of the book window.
- Add some label that makes the user understand that it is used for page navigation.
Task result
The result of this task is source code.
Implementation idea
(It is advisable to include some rough implementations ideas.)
How to demo
- Open Sophie and create a book.
- Add a new page with the page selector.
- Navigate between pages.
- The SophieModule containing the page selector is the same as before. Things must be re-factored a lot prior to extracting it in a different module since there are a lot or dependencies.
- The NavigaionPanel should be created by the NavigationProvider which in turn should be defined as an extension of the BookPanel. The NavigationProvider should give every book panel it navigation.
- NavigationPanel:
- for every button => res.setMargin(new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0)); This way buttons would wrap around their set text without space between text and the margin of the button itself.
- set tool-tip text for the page number field. This way the user would understand what this field is about. Adding a label to the navigation panel is in contradiction with the stereotype in Sophie1.0 as well as with the specification diagrams of Sophie2.0. In addition to this, the label would make the bottom book panel clumsy. That is way a tool-tip seams fair enough.
User documentation
Release documentation
(This moves through pages & also currently adds new pages when you hit the right button.)
Manual tests
Main tests
Related tests
(none so far)
Reported bugs
(none so far)
Analysis: Pap - done(20m)
Review: 3 by todor. Fair enough.
Design: Peko - done - 30m
Review: 3 by Pap. It's not mentioned how will the page selector perform navigation.
Implementation: Peko - done - 30m