"as transferable, actions to it..."
Multiple pages of the current book can be selected in the Page Preview palette. Most of the actions, which can be applied to a single page, can be applied to multiple pages too.
Task requirements
Selecting multiple pages is done by holding Ctrl key and left-clicking on the page thumbnail.
If a page is already selected, Ctrl+clicking deselects the page.
To deselect all of the selected pages, click in the palette outside of the thumbnails.
Selected pages can be dragged up/down. For example, we select pages 2, 5 and 6. If we drag them between 3 and 4, the new page order should be: 1 3 2 5 6 4 7...
Selected pages can be deleted by pressing the Delete key.
Task result
Source code.
Implementation idea
(Provide some rough implementation idea(s).)
- Read all the required functionality in PAGE_PREVIEW_PALETTE_R0.
How to demo
- Run Sophie 2 and create a new book
- Insert several pages and some text frames in them
- Open the Page Preview palette
- Select two pages
- Delete them with the Del key
(Describe your design here.)
(Describe and link the implementation results here (from the wiki or the repository).)
(Place the testing results here.)
(Write comments for this or later revisions here.)