The whole Sophie 2.0 project should be compiled and built by Maven (a software project management tool). Maven should be configured to run tests, show statistics and generate useful reports.
Task requirements
Maven have to:
- build each module of Sophie 2.0 successfully
- run the tests and show statistics about failed, passed tests and errors.
- generate reports(code coverage, surefire reports, etc. - research the reports and decide which are useful).
You should also describe in a wiki page building process with Maven and show the reports results.
Task result
- Sophie 2.0 build
- wiki page with how-to using Maven
- the generated reports
Implementation idea
- use mvn clean, install, test commands
- search for maven report plug-ins
How to demo
- execute Maven commands for building and generating reports
- show the generated reports
- show the wiki page
- make Sophie 2.0 build executing mvn clean install - the project should be built successfully
- see PLATFORM_DEPLOYMENT_BUILD_MAVEN and generate the reports
- Sophie 2.0 build with Maven was made. You can review it executing mvn clean install in the console in sophie2-platform directory. See PLATFORM_DEPLOYMENT_BUILD_MAVEN to get into maven.
- The Maven reports listed in PLATFORM_DEPLOYMENT_BUILD_MAVEN are generated.
Note: the target dir is ignored form repository that's why there is no result in implementation section. For now we don't have server where we should keep the reports so you can generate only by yourself executing mvn site.
Analysis: Pav (done: 35m)
Review: 3.5 by Pap. It looks OK and gives clear enough requirements.
Design: Pav (done: 2h)
Review: 3 by Pap(8m). It's understandable, although I find it a bit hard to find the design for each requirement.
Implementation: Pav (done: 5h)
Review: 2 by Pap. It's not mentioned where the results are so I cannot review them.