Last modified 15 years ago Last modified on 11/18/09 18:49:15

Error: Macro BackLinksMenu(None) failed
compressed data is corrupt

Error: Macro TicketQuery(summary=PLATFORM_DEPLOY_APPLET_R0, format=table, col=summary|owner|status|type|component|priority|effort|importance, rows=description|analysis_owners|analysis_reviewers|analysis_score|design_owners|design_reviewers|design_score|implementation_owners|implementation_reviewers|implementation_score|test_owners|test_reviewers|test_score|) failed
current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block



The applet allows reading a book in a browser

  • The applet only runs reader application
  • The applet may be deployed not only on Sophie Server
  • The applet gets as parameters the book path and size

Task requirements

  • Choose which modules are sensible for the applet and load only them
  • Optional requirements
    • Identify the user OS and download natives only for it
    • Identify which of the modules are needed for the chosen book and load only them
    • Make applet deployment automatic with building
  • Write documentation how to deploy applet
  • The applet must be without menus

Task result

  • Code

Implementation idea

  • The applet may have capability for fullscreen (F11 and Esc)
  • The user should be able to copy text from Sophie book.
  • The user should be able to paste text in the search field of the applet or in comment frame.
  • The following functionalities in reader will not be needed in the applet:
    • Menus
    • Drag and drop (but copy will be)
    • All edit operations (excluding copy)
    • Help contents
    • Halos
    • Annotations
  • The following tabs are in Reader, but will not be needed in the applet
    • Config

How to demo

  • Deploy the applet with a sample book in
  • Open the page and show the book in the browser


Open Book on startup

  • The applet will open a specified book provided as applet parameter named bookRef that will contain a valid absolute url to the book.
  • The launcher (AppletMain) will set it as system property sophie2.startupBookLocation
  • The Reader module will check for the system property and if supplied will try to fetch the given url in a temp file created like
    File.createTempFile("startupBook", PersistenceUtil.EXTENSION);

and then open it using file.

Deploy applet

  • The applet (launcher and modules) will be deployed on a single place at server the complete url now is
  • On that location will be the org.sophie2.launcher-2.0.jar which contains the launcher and a folder modules which contains all needed modules.
  • To launch the applet in an html page the following snippet is needed
    <applet width="500" height="500" name="sophie2-applet"
            <param name="edition" value="reader" />
            <param name="bundlesConfigFile" value="applet.bundles.config" />
            <param name="bookRef"
                    value="absolute_url_to_the_book" />
    • edition is the sophie edition to be launched - must be reader
    • bundlesConfigFile is the file which contains modules configuration. applet.bundles.config must be what you need in most cases.
    • bookRef is the absolute ref to the book to be opened.

Stripping unnecessary modules

  • To avoid starting of unnecessary for the applet modules there is a new .config file for applet called applet.bundles.config
  • It will remove some modules, and only install(not start) some modules with unwanted functionality.

Platform Dependent modules

  • There will be 4 assembled jars for the org.sophie2.base.natlib modle
    • linux32
    • linux64
    • mac32i
    • win32
  • The idea is to implement placeholder formatter which will replace a given template in the config file with some dynamic content.
    • Now will be implemented platform formatter

For example


for 64 bit architecture Linux should be replaced with


Launcher fixes

  • There many code duplication in different launchers. We can extract them in a separate class named SophieLauncher which will start the osgi context.
  • The spash screen must be changed not to extend !JWindow so it can be runned in applet.



Merged to the trunk at [8170].


(Place the testing results here.)


(Write comments for this or later revisions here.)