Last modified 15 years ago
Last modified on 11/05/09 17:20:25
There are some platform specific problems related to Mac OS X, that we must take care of.
Task requirements
- Another issue when starting Sophie seems to start two separate applications, one which runs in the background; when you add a browser frame, another application starts running for webkit, only one app should seem to be running (no matter how many processes it uses).
- Optional - Cursors for changing Sophie layout must change appropriately. Now there is no visual indication for resizing palettes. (Optional may be fixed separately as a bug)
Task result
Implementation idea
(Provide some rough implementation idea(s).)
(Add links to related tasks that could be useful or helpful.)
How to demo
- Run Sophie2 on Mac OS
- Pay attention to the dock there should be only one application - Sophie.
- Test also on Windows and Linux to see the interface is ok there.
(Describe your design here.)
(Describe and link the implementation results here (from the wiki or the repository).)
(Place the testing results here.)
(Write comments for this or later revisions here.)