Last modified 16 years ago
Last modified on 10/01/08 10:32:43
The goal of this task is to define the developer's software setup.
Task requirements
Clarify which OSes are supported. Create a document which defines what products/libraries should the developers platforms contain.
This document should contain the following sections:
- Developer tools (java, eclipse, sublipse, svn client, build tools, advanced text editor, issue tracker (we will probably use web-based one))
- Communication tools (skype, e-mail)
- Documentation, Diagraming, supporting and other tools (web browser, uml tool, open office)
- Optional - this section should include tools used for research. For example try different libraries, UML tools, bug trackers, etc.
The document should contain also some instructions about specific application setup:
- Eclipse
- Setup overview
- Setup plug ins
- Tips (important tips or resources)
Task result
The result of this task should be a wiki page
Implementation idea
- create a structure and fill in the software requirements for developers' machines.
How to demo
Show task progress by presenting PLATFORM_INFRASTRUCTURE_OVERVIEW
- See and for the old wiki and find what you can use from there
- Write in a wiki page called PLATFORM_INFRATRUCTURE_OVERVIEW which contains the needed:
- Developer tools (java, eclipse, sublipse, svn client(Tortoise SVN for Windows), build tools(Maven Integration), advanced text editor(Notepad++))
- Communication tools (skype, e-mail)
- Documentation, Diagraming, supporting and other tools (web browser, uml tool(Visual Paradigm Community Edition), open office)
- Sophie 1.0, Sophie Reader, Acrobat Reader, Flash Player.
- Eclipse(3.4)
- Setup overview
- Setup plug-ins(Subclipse, M2 Eclipse, (optional)PyDev)
- Tips (important tips or resources)
- Note: be careful to separate project deployment in eclipse and setup for Eclipse as an application.
Filled in requirements listed in Analysis and Design section: PLATFORM_INFRASTRUCTURE_OVERVIEW