Task requirements
- Update PLATFORM_STANDARDS_MANUAL_TESTS with the comments from the previous release
- Resources used for the zip file must have the proper licence (with Creative Commons-licensed content)
Update the zip in the repository with all of the supported frame contents and some new content for manual and auto tests.
- Image files
- Audio files
- Video files
- Script
- A book for embedding with all supported resources
- Make sure all the names in the file are all-platforms friendly. See
Discuss with the integrators whether to put the zip file in the second refactoring branch or only in the trunk.
Task result
- Updated wiki page linked where needed
- Updated zip file with the supported resources
Implementation idea
See previous revisions PLATFORM_STANDARDS_MANUAL_TESTS and TestLink page. Discuss with integrators.
- Improve the Testcases, Reporting Bugs and Rules and Scoring of Reviewing sections of PLATFORM_STANDARDS_MANUAL_TESTS
Comments from PLATFORM_STANDARDS_MANUAL_TESTS will be executed:
- Test cases may contain clearly defined prerequisites - only one in between creating or opening a new book must be the chosen step in every test case.
- All test cases must end with steps: "Save the book." and "Load the book." and in case needed - a last step to show that the changes made to the book are saved in it.
- "When writing manual tests, do not forget the general guideline of the project: Work towards the goal!" should be revised.
- Unnesesary highlights such as "Non-integer scores are STRONGLY disencouraged." will be changed to lowercase letters.
- revise the basic rules of writing testcases
- make sure there is only one choice for starting a book in a testcase - "Open Book" or "Create new book"
- test cases cannot be limited to "up to 15 steps" if we want the steps to be simple and sigle-actioned
- in the basic test plan example steps should be separated
- It should be clarified that some testcases might have to have different substeps or steps inside them for the different skins
Reporting Bugs:
- In Analysis of Bugs:
- if a bug is a TLID type it must be clarified on which step the application crashes
- In Design and Implementation the attachments must be linked properly if mentioned.
- The attachments' names shouldn't have spaces because you will not be able to link them properly in the ticket.
- Test: Test is performed by the reporter or in some needed cases by an integrator. If the bug is not present the ticket is closed.
- for the zip add large-, medium- and small-sized picture resources
- all the files added to the zip file should be Creative Commons-licensed content for commercial use
- find files for all the common file types for testing
- for video -
- for audio -
- for images -
- the owners of the used resources must be notified that we use their files and noted in the documentation of the TestResourses
How to demo
Show the updated standarts and zipped resources.
Comments from PLATFORM_STANDARDS_MANUAL_TESTS will be executed. A list of file types included in is provided.
On every iteration these are the basic testplan cases that should be executed and that should always work:
Testcase: | Expected Results: |
Start Sophie2. | Sophie2 should start in default skin with open left, bottom and right flap. |
Create a new book. | A new book should be created. |
Add a page to the book. | A new page should be added to the book. |
Add a resource to a page of the book. | A resource is added to the page. |
Delete a resource from a page in the book. | The wanted resource is deleted from the page. |
Delete a page from the book. | The wanted page is deleted from the book. |
Save the book. | The book is saved. |
Close the book. | The book is closed. |
Open an existing book. | The book is loaded. |
Exit Sophie2 . | Sophie2 is closed. |
All testcases must
- begin with either one of these choices:
Steps: | Expected Results: |
1. Start Sophie2. | 1. Sophie2 should start in default skin with open left, bottom and right flap. |
2. Create a new book. | 2. A new book should be created. |
Steps: | Expected Results: |
1. Start Sophie2. | 1. Sophie2 should start in default skin with open left, bottom and right flap. |
2. Open an existing book. | 2. The book is loaded. |
and end with these steps:
Steps: | Expected Results: |
... | ... |
8. Save the book. | 8. The book is saved with all the made changes. |
9. Close the book. | 9. The book is closed. |
10. Open the saved book. | 10. The book should load with all the made changes before saving. |
After running Sophie2 the application should load in default skin with opened left, bottom and right flap. The Basic_Functionalities Testplan in TestLink will have the following testcases:
- 1029 - Creating an empty book
- 819 - Insert a new page
- 821 - Deleting pages
- 825 - Book size
- 827 - Book name
- 831 - Existing book loading
- 833 - Non-existing book loading
- 835 - Saving book As new filename
- 837 - Saving book As old filename (overwriting)
- 1054 - Preview of a book
- Page editing->Frame:
- 922 - Size
- 924 - Position
- 926 - Orientation (Rotation)
- Page editing->Page:
- 995 - Size
- 1101 - Make a palette floating
- 1103 - Make a palette fixed
- 1106 - Unsticking flap/tab/palette on the application window
- 1108 - Sticking flap/tab/palette on the application window
- 1112 - Show resources in the desktop and in a book
- 1114 - Copy a resource
- 1116 - Delete a resource
- 1092 - Show/hide flaps
- 1094 - Show/hide tabs
- 1096 - Change tabs
- 1098 - Show/hide palettes
- 1110 - Show changes in the desktop and in a book
- 1124 - Change a book window
- 1126 - Hide all windows and show the desktop
- 1128 - Close a book
- 1130 - Minimize a book
- 1132 - Restore a book
- 1134 - Maximize a book
- 1136 - Zoom in/out
- 1138 - Change an opened page
- 1144 - Open preview
- 1146 - Close preview
- 1148 - Resize a book/sophies desktop
- 1160 - Change rotation point and angle
There is no limit to the number of steps in a testcase. In the progress of developing the project different testplans will be added depending on the various expectations towards the testplan results.
Reporting Bugs:
Analysis of Bugs:
- If a bug is a TLID type it must be clarified in the comment of the ticket on which step the application crashes.
- In Design and Implementation the attachments must be linked properly if mentioned.
- It is recommended that the attachments' names do not have spaces or any special symbols because you might not be able to link them properly in the ticket.
- Test: Test is performed by the reporter or in some needed cases by an integrator. If the bug is not present the ticket is closed.
- Links to the needed attachments for testing should be provided
- "Non-integer scores are STRONGLY disencouraged. If you give the testing a score of 3.5, then you probably have not reviewed it thoroughly enough and cannot clearly state whether it is good or not." is changed to
- "Scores should be in the range from 1 to 5 with a recommended step 1. A 0.5 step is also possible but if you give the testing a score of 3.5 then you probably have not reviewed it thoroughly enough and cannot clearly state whether it is good or not. Integer numbers are recommended."
All of the changes will be introduced as a full text in PLATFORM_STANDARDS_MANUAL_TESTS_R3/Bugs and PLATFORM_STANDARDS_MANUAL_TESTS_R3/Design.
Most common audio, video and image files for the zip file:
- for audio - .wav, .mp3, .cda, .wma, .mid, .midi, .ogg, .amr, .mp2, .mpa, .aac, .aif, .aiff
- for video - .mov, .avi, .flv, .mp4, .mpg, .mpeg, .swf, .wmv, .mkv, .3gp, .3g2, .asf, .asx
- for images - .jpg, .jpeg, .bmp, .gif, .png, .tif, .tiff
- for the images there is a small, medium and large version for testing
- Script
- A book for embedding with all supported resources
- Created Basic_Functionalities Testplan in Testlink
- Attached - consisting of file types:
- audio - .aac, .aif, .aiff, .amr, .ape, .au, .flac, .gsm, .mp4, .mp3, .mpc, .ogg, .wav, .wma
- images - .bmp, .gif, .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .tiff
- video - .3gp, .avi, .asf, .flv, .mkv, .mov, .mp4, .mpg, .swf, .wmv
- .html
- Script - .js
- .sjrb
- ResourcesList.txt - a text file containing a list of all the files in
- usedResourcesReference.txt - a text file containing references to the used resources
- Attached - consisting of same files as but with spaces in their names
- files uploaded at s
(Place the testing results here.)
Your comment here
- The book for embedding with all supported resources could not be made due to currently appearing bugs in some functionalities of Sophie2. Such a book will be made after those bugs are fixed. For new the book for embedding from the old TestResource files is added to
- New PDF and HTML files will be exported from the new book for embedding. Until then the files from the old TestResource files will be used for