Last modified 16 years ago Last modified on 10/04/08 12:26:13



There must be a document/wiki pages which explains the platform structure.

Task requirements

To create platform structure you should:

  • define what the structure (files/directories) of the platform will be
  • there should be a document
  • the structure should be applied
  • structure should cover the development and runtime aspects
  • create GLOSSARY page for the terms and insert if any.

Task Result

The result of this task must be wiki pages.

Implementation idea

Create wiki pages in Important Docs section.

How to demo

Visit PLATFORM_STRUCTURE and links if any.


  • Describe the structure files/folder structure.
  • The GLOSSARY will be created and filled in the next revisions.


PLATFORM_STRUCTURE created. There is the repository structure.



  • Analyzing : Pavlina, Todor(done: 15 mins)
    • Review: 2 by Tanya; Is the bullet "the structure should be applied" a part of this revision? If it is then the task result is incorrect. What does GLOSSARY include? It is not clear to me, so give examples. How to demo fails. - 15 min
  • Designing :Pavlina, Deyan
    • Review: 2 by todor. Analysis and design are inconsistent (where is GLOSSARY for example). Design looks unfinished, there is no explanation about the rules that PLATFORM_STRUCTURE should follow.
  • Design2: todor
  • Implementing : Pavlina - 20 mins
    • Review: 3 by todor. There are still some lack of correspondence between the analysis, design and implementation. But most of the work is done the flaws must be cleared in the next revision.
  • Testing :