Last modified 16 years ago
Last modified on 10/04/08 12:26:53
- Analyzing : Pavlina, Todor(done: 15 mins)
- Review: 2 by Tanya; Is the bullet "the structure should be applied" a part of this revision? If it is then the task result is incorrect. What does GLOSSARY include? It is not clear to me, so give examples. How to demo fails. - 15 min
- Designing :Pavlina, Deyan
- Review: 2 by todor. Analysis and design are inconsistent (where is GLOSSARY for example). Design looks unfinished, there is no explanation about the rules that PLATFORM_STRUCTURE should follow.
- Design2: todor
- Implementing : Pavlina - 20 mins
- Review: 3 by todor. There are still some lack of correspondence between the analysis, design and implementation. But most of the work is done the flaws must be cleared in the next revision.
- Testing :