Last modified 16 years ago Last modified on 01/26/09 17:35:58

Error: Macro BackLinksMenu(None) failed
compressed data is corrupt

Error: Macro TicketQuery(summary=PRO_CHANGE_COMMONS_R0, format=table, col=summary|owner|status|type|component|priority|effort|importance, rows=description|analysis_owners|analysis_reviewers|analysis_score|design_owners|design_reviewers|design_score|implementation_owners|implementation_reviewers|implementation_score|test_owners|test_reviewers|test_score|) failed
current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block



Common things about changes that are not put in the other tasks listed in related section.

Task requirements

  • consider carefully the relations between classes of the following:
  • consider creating a module if necessary - the change manager will take an important role in changes of books on the server as well.
    • the module may be needed now.
    • the module may appear in later revisions.
    • the module may not be needed at all.
  • create a wiki page that describes all the relations and class of the PRO_CHANGE things.
    • Changes types:
      • Change - a simple change.
      • GroupChange - a composite change that is constructed of simple changes.
      • UnmanagedChange - a change that is supposed to be managed in a special way. Its undo and redo will be implemented as the situation requires. For example - save a book may be a unmanaged change. If the user creates a frame with a movie content (with a media file of over 700Mb), deletes the frame, deletes the media file and requests a undo - the change may become a unmanaged. If the user had not deleted the media file the change would have been a normal change that can be undone.
  • provide class diagrams.

Task result

  • a base design of the change part of the pro library.
  • a wiki page.
  • diagrams of the classes for connected with changes.

Implementation idea

  • review the tasks that are connected with PRO_CHANGE.
  • view the existing source code.
  • provide a relations and operations explanation in a wiki page.
  • provide diagrams of the classes needed.


How to demo

  • show the base design, diagrams and the wiki page.





The following comments could be either part of this task or the R1 revision. --gogov 15:00-26.01.09

  • Overall concept should be explained from the end-user point of view
    • undoing/redoing
  • Some internal terminology needs to be explained:
    • Top-level change
    • Main/side effect of a change
  • A hierarchy of the types of changes should be provided, as well as their functionality and purpose such as:
    • Changes form a three of GroupChanges as internal nodes and ProChanges as leaves of the tree
    • AutoChanges are meant to be used by the developer (describe how)
    • GroupChanges are meant to be used itnernally by the AutoChanges and the overall change mechanism (describe how)
    • ProChanges are meant to be leaves of the tree (describe why)
    • This scheme should work if Sophie 2 uses properties and immutable objects (describe why)