Last modified 16 years ago
Last modified on 07/15/09 11:46:14
The PRO_LIB_CORE_TUTORIAL should be revised and made more complete to reflect the current state of the ProLib.
Problems and inconsistencies in the old version of the tutorial should be fixed.
Task requirements
- Improve the Properties Idea section by giving:
- a general overview of what are the properties, not just list what problems they solve
- a brief explanation of the given problems and how the properties help in such cases
- Improve the Property Hierarchy section by:
- adding descriptions to important elements of the hierarchy which haven't been described, like
- BaseProObject
- Property
- ProList
- ...
- breaking down the general diagram in smaller ones
- adding descriptions to important elements of the hierarchy which haven't been described, like
- Improve the List Properties Hierarchy section by:
- providing an overview of the List Properties
- providing descriptions on differences between them and single Properties
- Improve the Code Examples With Property Kinds section by:
- listing examples for property kinds like ValueProperty
- providing a short description on the purpose of each example
- adding a Final vs Auto Property example
- adding a Resource Property with an unmanaged Swing Component example
- Improve the Methods To Use section by:
- listing more convenient methods
- Improve the Bad Code Examples section by:
- listing at least several more scenarios where properties have been used in a wrong way also providing an explanation what's wrong and how to fix it.
- listing at least several more scenarios where properties have been used in a wrong way also providing an explanation what's wrong and how to fix it.
This section is quite important and the code is rich with property abuse.
- Improve the Demo section by:
- adding some comments on the provided demo sample code.
- Improve the How to apply properties to Sophie 2.0 section by:
- renaming it to Good practices
- revise the practices already listed
- add more good practices
- Describe most frequently used and newly implemented annotations
- @Own,
- @Shared,
- @Immutable
- Inspector section which links to the Inspector page and gives usage hints
- Code Templates section which lists the code templates used currently in Eclipse
- Utils section which lists and describes some of the more useful utils in the ProLib
- Add comments on ProList and Aspects usage:
- findOne()
- findAll()
- ListEntry
- Add comments on integration with Changes, Resources and ChangeManagers:
- Creation of ProObjects with a ChangeManager argument,
- Leave comments, if any
- Reogranize the tutorial to move the deprecated stuff in a Deprecated section at the end
- If possible, write demos for ProLib usage in the tutorial package.
Task result
- Updated wiki page with the given task requirements
- New demos in the tutorial package.
Implementation idea
- Scan the ProLib and write all which is needed.
How to demo
- ProLib templates for properties:
- templates for list properties
- templates for value properties
- A more detailed UML diagram for a general picture of the implementation added.
- Read the tutorial.
- Resources and Changes are pending... (:
- value-properties-templates.xml (2.5 KB) - added by peko 16 years ago.
- value-properties-templates.2.xml (2.5 KB) - added by peko 16 years ago.
- list-properties-templates.xml (3.4 KB) - added by peko 16 years ago.