Last modified 16 years ago Last modified on 01/07/09 21:46:13

Error: Macro BackLinksMenu(None) failed
compressed data is corrupt

Error: Macro TicketQuery(summary=PRO_REGISTRY_PARENT_CHILD_R0, format=table, col=summary|owner|status|type|component|priority|effort|importance, rows=description|analysis_owners|analysis_reviewers|analysis_score|design_owners|design_reviewers|design_score|implementation_owners|implementation_reviewers|implementation_score|test_owners|test_reviewers|test_score|) failed
current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block



The aim of this task is to improve the relation parent<=>child that has been constructed with the aim of the @Own annotation.

Task requirements

  • Misuse detection:
    • a method with an @Own annotation should not return a property containing non-pro object.
  • Multiple same children with a particular parent:
    • same children should be possible to be added in a parent.
    • if one of it is removed from the parent the other should remain in the registry.
  • Unit test for the above scenarios should be provided.

Task result

  • source code.

Implementation idea

  • review the ObjectProperty and the ListProperty classes and add some more things.
  • review the OwnershipRegistry class and fix it to meet the requirements above.
  • write a unit test.

How to demo

  • run the unit tests that have been resulted from the task.



(Implementation results should be described and linked here (from the wiki or the repository))



(Write comments for this or later revisions here.)