Last modified 16 years ago
Last modified on 11/05/08 15:09:10
S2S Core Commons includes general rules and workflows of business logic. At this revision it would be minimal business logic.
Task requirements
- Create the logic for some web pages. These could be for example:
- Login
- User Profile
- About
- Use mock database - hard coded data.
- Write unit tests.
Task result
- The result of this task should be source code.
Implementation idea
How to demo
- Run unit tests.
- Show the source code.
- Answer if there are any questions.
- create unit test which represents test for user login(if there is remaining effort you should test user logout too)
- Create method/class for user login in the server
- the method can be named isValidUser or isValidated and must return boolean value telling if the user is logged successfully or the login failed
- There is method called allowUser in the login servlet but it is not tested because the lack of time.
- Now we have only one static user with user: user and pass: pass. If you log as another user you will be redirected to error page and can try again to log.
- The basic login and about servlets: