Last modified 16 years ago Last modified on 10/27/08 12:02:30

Error: Macro BackLinksMenu(None) failed
compressed data is corrupt



The goal of this revision is to describe as much as possible tasks with one sentence per task. In some cases, information can be directly copied from manage/sched/'s comments. Should also add proto, main and tune for revisions.

Task requirements

Include a sentence for each task in manage/sched/ This should give brief description of this task. Discuss with team possibility to include priorities.

Task result

manage/sched/ containing extractable string for each task.

Implementation idea

Research the most convenient way to include strings in each task. These strings should be easy to extract.

Comments in manage/sched/

How to demo

Show exports from the WBS containing this information.


For now replacing comments from manage/sched/ are enough. Note that comments should be for the whole task and may be bigger than a sentence. Define a function called "desc" in python file manage/sched/ Convert comments to strings in "description". Note that desc function should be similar to spec_entry function. Open the file using a text editor capable of searching regular expressions.

  • Find

and replace it with


To insert the phases find

(\t+)(with Rev.+)#proto

proto/main/tune and replace it with

\1\2\n\1\t phase(proto)

Do not do "Replace all", replace it one by one separating comments you decide useful for later work.


Added descriptions and phases to tasks. phases are proto, main, tune and regular.



Error: Macro Include(wiki:SCHEDULE_WBS_TASKS_R1_LOG) failed
current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block