As the community server backup is a regular task, it's requirements are not very different from previous revisions' requirements. The regular backup of the project creates two backup CDs that can restore fully the project in case of data loss.
Task requirements
Monthly backups
- Test if the previous backup contains all needed information for restoring
- Trac - wiki pages, settings, user accounts.
- Svn - data, settings, user accounts.
- Apache configurations
- Postgres databases.
- Build server configurations (Hudson)
- Testlink setup
- Modify the script if needed
- Execute the scripts
- Write the image on TWO dvds
- Make sure the copies are kept in different locations.
Daily backups
- According to previous revision of this task, a script backing up the database is done. In implementation section describe where is it, when is executed. Describe how to use this script before modifying database with direct queries.
Task result
Two backup DVDs that are kept in different locations. Daily database backups, location should be listed here. If database is modified, backup before modifications.
Implementation idea
Use previous revisions of this tasks for locations of the scripts.
Previous revisions of this tasks cannot be used because of the new setup.
How to demo
Explain what is done.
- Add nexus to the back up script adding the following:
## Trac, testlink and svn
cp -R /home/scs/svn/ /home/scs/backup/all/$dirname
cp -R /home/scs/trac/ /home/scs/backup/all/$dirname
cp -R /home/scs/testlink/ /home/scs/backup/all/$dirname
cp -R /home/scs/nexus/ /home/scs/backup/all/$dirname
- Verified the contents of the previous back up task.
- Run the scripts twice and store the 2 DVDs at separate places.
- Previous back up contains all information needed for restore
- Nexus is added to the back up script according to the design phase
- The scripts were executed
- As a result two disks were burned
- They are kept in different locations
- one at the office
- one is kept in the Infrastructure Manager's home aka Pac
- The script is executed every Sunday at 3 a.m. ЕЕТ. However we burn the DVDs ones a month.
- The following steps must be used when restoring the database using the back up
- gunzip /root/backup/postgres/$date.psql.gz | psql -U scs
(Place the testing results here.)
(Write comments for this or later revisions here.)