Last modified 16 years ago
Last modified on 01/11/09 12:04:40
In this revision divide the FAQ sections and add an offtopic forum
Task requirements
Currently the FAQ page is only one and included in each forum.
- Create a subpages of FAQ (See implementation idea)
- Link the other FAQ subpages in each one (See implementation idea)
- Send an e-mail to the mail-list to collect more questions for the FAQ. New members should give you at least 2 proposals, other members may propose too.
- Create a new forum called offtopic with interesting topics - i.e. World news - for software news, Fun links etc. Advertise the new forum on the mail lists.
Task result
Maintained forum.
Implementation idea
Split FAQ into
Use the following template for the FAQ page:
[[Include(wiki:FAQ/Developer)]] [[Include(wiki:FAQ/Author)]] [[Include(wiki:FAQ/Reader)]] [[Include(FAQ/Setup)]]
For the subpages include links to the other subpages.
How to demo
Show the new forum topic and collected questions.
- Divided the FAQ into subpages and linked them, as described in Implementation Idea. The result is:
- FAQ/Developer ("Contributors" also goes here, since the questions are development ones)
- FAQ/Author
- FAQ/Reader
- FAQ/Server
- FAQ/Setup
- In the forum, the appropriate FAQ subsections were included.
- Created "Offtopic" section in the forums with description "Other interesting topics".
- Sent an e-mail to sophie2-devs with the following content:
Hello, everybody! We have a new forum topic, called "Offtopic". There you can write anything you find interesting(software news, fun links, etc.) Please, take a look at and write something.
We would like also to ask everyone of the new members to write at least 2 questions in our FAQ sections. The others are welcome, too :)
Note, that completing SCS_FORUM_R2 depends on your posts(we would like to collect the new FAQ before 2009-01-09).
Best regards, Astea Team. - Collect the questions, sort them in categories and write an answer for each. Add everything to the FAQ pages.
- After everything is completed, replace the content of the FAQ with the contents of the new sub-pages.
- Two e-mails were sent, people were asked in the group chat, some of them personally, but only one question was provided for the FAQ
- The question was added to the FAQ and answered.
- 5 topics and 4 replies are collected in the "Offtopic" section until now.
(Write comments for this or later revisions here.)