Last modified 16 years ago Last modified on 02/06/09 17:45:19

Analysis finished

Ticket Summary Analysis_owners
#2552 [html] Incorrect page positions
#2553 When page template is applied, frames share the same content
#2563 [html] The app crashes due to low memory while browsing a book mira
#2571 [ipad-app] Research the reason for the downloading bar progress
#2549 [ipad-app] Search should filter results on each letter deyan

Analysis OK

Ticket Summary Analysis_owners Analysis_reviewers Analysis_score
#2562 [ipad-app] Sometimes covers do not appear in the reader todor 0

Design Finished

Ticket Summary Analysis_owners Analysis_reviewers Analysis_score Design_owners
No tickets found

Design OK

Ticket Summary Analysis_owners Analysis_reviewers Analysis_score Design_owners Design_reviewers Design_score
#2564 [ipad-app] Splash screen seems to be cut off from the left 0 0
#2570 [html] Investigate memory leaks for embedded books functionality 0 0
#2565 [ipad-app] Arrows button does not hide when bottom bar is displayed 0 0

Implementation Finished

Ticket Summary Analysis_owners Analysis_reviewers Analysis_score Design_owners Design_reviewers Design_score Imp._owners
#2566 [html] Modify tags in the manifest XML 0 0
#2558 [html] Memory leaks in JS and DOM 0 0
#2568 [html] Page swipe does not work after a mistake has occurred 0 0

Implementation OK

Ticket Summary Analysis_owners Analysis_reviewers Analysis_score Design_owners Design_reviewers Design_score Imp._owners Imp._reviewers Imp._score
#2536 [ipad-app] Use shadowed text for book titles in app deyan 0 mira 0 mira 0
#2543 [ipad-app] Add library dialog tweaks deyan 0 mira 0 mira boyanl 0
#2545 [ipad-app] In app search deyan 0 mira 0 mira 0
#2546 [ipad-app] Dialogs appear erratically todor 0 mira 0 mira 0
#2547 [ipad-app] There's a gray line in the leftmost side of the reader todor 0 mira 0 mira 0
#2550 [ipad-app] Several bugs deyan 0 todor 0 todor 0
#2551 [ipad-app] Replace "Sophie:" logo and about dialog from book view title bar deyan 0 mira 0 mira 0
#2567 [html] Bottom bar is hidden when console is displayed 0 0 0
#2533 [ipad] Remove books from trash deyan mira 0 mira 0 mira 0
#2534 [ipad-app] Handle deleted or broken books in reader deyan mira 0 mira 0 mira 0
#2535 [ipad-app] Client crashes when the book http address is misspelled deyan mira 0 boyanl 0 mira boyanl 0
#2561 [ipad-app] Library redesign todor mira 0 mira 0 mira 0
#2528 Skin "Wrap mode" label in Appearance HUD deyan meddle 3 meddle deyan 3 meddle deyan 3
#2531 Change frame outline deyan meddle 3 meddle deyan 3 meddle deyan 3
#2532 Page structure palette improvements deyan meddle 3 meddle deyan 3 meddle deyan 3
#2537 Implement foreground alpha for frames deyan meddle 3 meddle kyli 3 meddle kyli, deyan 3
#2538 Colors not saved properly when using Java7 deyan meddle 3 meddle deyan 3 meddle deyan 3
#2539 Implement fade in and out for frames deyan meddle 3.5 meddle pap 3 meddle deyan 3
#2560 QUOTA_EXCEEDED_ERR on ipad tancheto meddle 3 tancheto meddle 3 tancheto meddle, todor 3.5
#2542 [html] Not synced background audio is not exported deyan 0 antoni 0 antoni meddle, todor 0
#2544 [html] Improve audio sync of exported books deyan antoni 0 antoni 0 antoni meddle, todor 0
#2556 [html] Text tabulation fix 0 0 0

Testing Finished

Ticket Summary Analysis_owners Analysis_reviewers Analysis_score Design_owners Design_reviewers Design_score Imp._owners Imp._reviewers Imp._score Test_owners
No tickets found

Testing OK

Ticket Summary Analysis_owners Analysis_reviewers Analysis_score Design_owners Design_reviewers Design_score Imp._owners Imp._reviewers Imp._score Test_owners Test_reviewers Test_score
No tickets found