Last modified 16 years ago
Last modified on 02/06/09 14:48:28
Issue tracker maintenance improves ticket usability
Task requirements
- Increase the maximum size of uploaded files in trac with 1 mb
- Remove the non-used task states in trac.ini from the workflow. These are listed in Related section.
- Review and remove obsolete reports from
- Add TASK_INDEX into the Developers Home
- If time remains, research and add a Current Iteration button to the top button bar in trac (Wiki, Blog, Forum, Timeline, Roadmap, Browse Source, View Tickets, New Ticket, Search, Builds)
Task result
Tickets with filled category field.
Implementation idea in this query are the obsolete states. analysis_accepted analyzed analyzing design_accepted designed designing implementation_accepted implemented implementing test_accepted tested testing
How to demo
Explain what is done during the maintenance, categories.
- To remove the unnecessary statuses remove the following part of trac.ini:
[ticket-custom] y_convert1 = s1a_analyzing -> s1a_analysis_started y_convert1.permissions = TICKET_MODIFY y_convert10 = s4a_testing -> s4a_test_started y_convert10.permissions = TICKET_MODIFY y_convert11 = s4b_tested -> s4b_test_finished y_convert11.permissions = TICKET_MODIFY y_convert2 = s1b_analyzed -> s1b_analysis_finished y_convert2.permissions = TICKET_MODIFY y_convert4 = s2a_designing -> s2a_design_started y_convert4.permissions = TICKET_MODIFY y_convert5 = s2b_designed -> s2b_design_finished y_convert5.permissions = TICKET_MODIFY y_convert7 = s3a_implementing -> s3a_implementation_started y_convert7.permissions = TICKET_MODIFY y_convert8 = s3b_implemented -> s3b_implementation_finished y_convert8.permissions = TICKET_MODIFY z_convert0 = closed -> s3c_implementation_ok = convert z_convert0.operations = del_resolution z_convert0.permissions = TICKET_CREATE z_convert1 = analyzing -> s1a_analysis_started z_convert1.permissions = TICKET_MODIFY z_convert10 = testing -> s4a_test_started z_convert10.permissions = TICKET_MODIFY z_convert11 = tested -> s4b_test_finished z_convert11.permissions = TICKET_MODIFY z_convert12 = test_accepted -> s4c_test_ok z_convert12.permissions = TICKET_MODIFY z_convert2 = analyzed -> s1b_analysis_finished z_convert2.permissions = TICKET_MODIFY z_convert3 = analysis_accepted -> s1c_analysis_ok z_convert3.permissions = TICKET_MODIFY z_convert4 = designing -> s2a_design_started z_convert4.permissions = TICKET_MODIFY z_convert5 = designed -> s2b_design_finished z_convert5.permissions = TICKET_MODIFY z_convert6 = design_accepted -> s2c_design_ok z_convert6.permissions = TICKET_MODIFY z_convert7 = implementing -> s3a_implementation_started z_convert7.permissions = TICKET_MODIFY z_convert8 = implemented -> s3b_implementation_finished z_convert8.permissions = TICKET_MODIFY z_convert9 = implementation_accepted -> s3c_implementation_ok z_convert9.permissions = TICKET_MODIFY
- To increase the maximum size of attached files change the following part to:
[attachment] max_size = 5242880
- Task index is added in the Developer's Home
- Remove the unused reports
- Active Tickets by Version
- Accepted, Active Tickets by Owner (Full Description)
- Accepted, Active Tickets by Owner
- Unnecessary statuses were removed as described in the design phase.
- Increased the maximum size of attached files (now it is 5MB) changing the following part to:
[attachment] max_size = 5242880
- Task index is added in the Developer's Home
- Removed the unused reports
- Active Tickets by Version
- Accepted, Active Tickets by Owner (Full Description)
- Accepted, Active Tickets by Owner