A custom workflow for bugs will be useful. Also bug types should be introduced and the script should be updated in order to calculate contribution based on bugfixing.
Task requirements
- Create a new lightened version of the workflow for the bugfixes.
- See the contribution script in manage folder in the repository. Add bug tasks to the contribution score. Bug severity should be taken in mind.
Task result
Eased bug fixing process
Implementation idea
The easiest way to accomplish this is using bug types: crash, tweak, feature request
How to demo
(Provide instructions for demonstration of the task.)
Attached is the designed workflow for the bug tickets. It is slightly different from the implementation idea. Allows
- Bug reporting, "finish bug report" action allows the status after new to be analysis finished
- Start design means that the design is started.
- Since design and implementation can be reviewed at once, the next allowed actions are "finish implementation" and "finish design". This gives the opportunity to skip the design review.
- If the "finish design" is chosen, the next steps are "review design" which is done by an integrator, then "start implementation" and finally "finish implementation"
- Implementation (and design) are reviewed, ticket is moved to "implementation OK" by an integrator
- Another integrator tests the bug and if it is no longer present, choses resolution and closes the bug.
- Super reviews can be done always, so they are not in the diagram.
- No statuses were removed from the bug ticket workflow, but some won't be used
- Resolutions can be set at any time, they were not included in the diagram.
In implementation section, add this diagram to PLATFORM_STANDARDS_MANUAL_TESTS/Bugs
(Describe and link the implementation results here (from the wiki or the repository).)
(Place the testing results here.)
(Write comments for this or later revisions here.)
- bugworkflow.png (91.4 KB) - added by deyan 16 years ago.