Last modified 16 years ago Last modified on 12/05/08 13:52:39

Error: Macro BackLinksMenu(None) failed
compressed data is corrupt



  • Define Ticket Attribute instances such as:
    • Types - The nature of the ticket (for example, defect or enhancement request)
    • Components - The project module or subsystem this ticket concerns.
    • Versions - Version of the project that this ticket pertains to.
    • Priorities - The importance of this issue, ranging from trivial to blocker.
    • Milestones - When this issue should be resolved at the latest.
    • Resolutions - Reason for why a ticket was closed. One of fixed, invalid, wontfix, duplicate, worksforme.
    • Status - What is the current status? One of new, assigned, closed, reopened.
  • Integrate the instances in Trac;

Task Requirements

  • things should not intersect - this means that a something cannot be put in one of the types and in another at the same time. Components should also be distinct and have no common part etc.
  • things should have understandable names and should be easily perceived.
  • issues properties among the aboves should be easily assignable.

Task Result

  • issue tracker that is setup properly according to sophie2 issues.

How to demo


  • Types:
    • Planned_Task - this is a task from the schedule. It has four phases: Analysing, Designing, Implementing and Testing. These four are repeated three times during the project and these are: base (which represents the base version of the task), intermidiate (at this point the task should be more or less completed) and final (here all the parts of the task should be fully consistent and polished).
    • Unplanned_Task - this is a task that is not a part of the schedule so far. Things that appear throughout the project will be put here.
    • Bug - this represents an inconsistency of a task until its final version.
  • Components (These are the components of Sophie. Every conponent consists of multiple tasks and subtasks.): for details see the file in the repo (depends() function).
  • Priorities - The Priorities correspond to column A of resources.ods in the repo. That is:
    • blocker - 5
    • critical - 4
    • major - 3
    • minor - 2
    • trivial - 1
  • Milestones are already defined. These include:
    • M01_PRE1 - 09/26/2008 - milestone 1
    • M02_PRE2 - 10/24/2008 - milestone 2
    • M03_PRE3 - 11/21/2008 - milestone 3
    • M04_PRE4 - 12/19/2008 - milestone 4
    • M05_PRE5 - 01/30/2009 - milestone 5
    • M06_ALPHA1 - 02/27/2009 - alpha 1
    • M07_ALPHA2 - 03/27/2009 - alpha 2
    • M08_ALPHA3 - 04/30/2009 - alpha 3
    • M09_BETA1 - 05/29/2009 - beta 1
    • M10_BETA2 - 06/26/2009 - beta 2
    • M11_BETA3 - 07/31/2009 - beta3
    • M12_RELEASE - 08/28/2009 - release
  • Resolutions - all apply to Bug!!! To a Task apply ONLY fixed - which determines whether a task is finished!
    • fixed - the Bug is fixed.
    • invalid - the reported Bug is not a Bug, but is misunderstood feature. :-)
    • wontfix - the Bug cannot be fixed at this point.
    • duplicate - the Bug is double-reported or is part of some other Bug.
    • worksforme - the Bug is reproduced on one machine and not on other or simply is reproduced in awkward curcumstances.


See Design section:

  • Types are set.
  • Components are imported from the manage/sched/ file.
  • Priorities are set.
  • Milestones are set.
  • Resolutions are set.


Create a new ticket test case : ID 36


Error: Macro Include(wiki:SCS_ISSUE_TRACKER_SETUP_R0_LOG) failed
current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block