Analysis: deyan (done:45m)
Review: 3.5 by Pav (done:10m)
Design: deyan (done:5m)
Review: 3 by Pav(done:10m) It has to be more detailed. Use bullets for better reading.
Implementation: deyan (done)
Review: 2 by todor. The structure of design does not satisfy the requirements for design, copy part of the implementation ideas there if it is necessary. In the implementation part of the task there is no link to the result of this task, which makes its reviewing hard. One of the task requirements (mail to the dev group) is not fulfilled.
Implementation2: deyan (done:30m)
Review: 3 by Pap. It's generally good but please change the link so that it uses domain names instead of IP addresses. Also 5/12 means nothing to me so please use more explanatory sentences.
Comments:"Review: 2 by todor."Is this a review or a superreview? this design has already passed review, i am not refactoring it until it is clear.
Comment2: The implementation review supposes that both design and implementation must be reviewed in order to pass the task.